[Serious] How would your parents/family react if you brought home a Black or Hispanic partner?

  1. Considering that I’m mixed-race myself, I doubt that they’d mind.

    In my experience, almost no one thinks it’s a big deal at this point. The pockets that do generally get over it when it becomes obvious that they aren’t going to be able to veto it.

  2. Considering I’m already married, they’d be shocked at the aspect that I’m openly cheating.

  3. Came here to make a wife joke and it seems I’m several comments too late lol

  4. If I did it again? They’d probably be angry that she’s not my wife.

    Otherwise, it would probably be like before. Ask some silly questions and maybe ask for some translations. Then they would tell her about my previous relationships with latinas, which always pissed me off but they did it anyway.

  5. They wouldn’t care and my sister husband is Puerto Rican so she already beat me to it

  6. I never thought I’d post mentioning my skin color, but for context, I’m white. When I was 18 my family lived in a small town in Cajun country Louisiana. I worked at the local Golden Arches. There was myself, a guy from India, and about 35 black peoples working there. I ended up car pooling with one of my coworkers, and one day she dropped me off at home in the afternoon. Later that day when my parents got home, our neighbor rushed out and said to my parents, Yankee_chef_nen was riding around with a black girl today, my mother responded “Ok, so what?”My parents would not care if I had dated a girl of a different race. It would have been so much not an issue that it wasn’t even until I was just about to post this that I remembered that my younger brother had dated a black woman and my mother was disappointed when they broke up because she had hoped he would marry that lady.

  7. No one in my family would care.

    I grew up in a mixed neighborhood and my church was roughly 1/3 white, 1/3 black, and 1/3 Latino (with a large majority being non-white Latinos), maybe a bit higher ratio of white but roughly that distribution.

    My family would be much more interested in who the person was and what their family was like. My grandparents have passed but even in that generation they wouldn’t have cared. They’d be much more interested in finding out if the woman was Catholic.

    This would include if I did it back in my actual dating days in the 90s and early 2000s. My family just never had racial hang ups even among my grandparents who were all born in rural Indiana in the 30s. I think a big part of that was the Catholicism.

  8. Since I’m the only one who ended up marrying a white person (I am also white) I can confirm they would not have cared one bit.

  9. My mom would ask her if she went to church
    My dad would ask her is she wanted a rum and coke.

  10. My mom might make some slightly racist sounding jokes, but I know she wouldn’t actually care assuming it’s a good person

  11. Them, to the partner: “You’re dating *him?* What’s wrong with you? You can do far better than that.”

  12. I’m in my 40s and married, but my mom was disgusted when I was dating a Puerto Rican girl like 20 years ago. My dad didn’t care.

    My mom was an awful person all-around and died like 10 years ago, making the world a slightly better place.

  13. This is clearly a question directed toward white people but I’ll answer.

    My parents would embrace whoever I (Black) brought home. Everyone loves my husband who is white. I’m sure they wouldn’t care who I brought home as long as he’s a good man.

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