Women of Reddit. How do you respond when a guy called you weird?

  1. Context dependent. My brother called me weird the other day for eating Cheetos out of the bag with chopsticks. By the end of his visit I had him converted to my clean-finger ways.

  2. I usually just say,”yea, I’ve been told a time or two” or “good I don’t want to be normal”

  3. Well in middle school, I cried and told my mom. 8 years later, we live together and are in a 4 year relationship. Sometimes he brings it up and says “I’m sorry I called you weird in grade school”.

  4. Smiled cheerfully and said “thanks!” Years ago now, but I prefer to think it’s a compliment, no matter what they may mean by it

  5. A dry, ‘”And?” or just stare at them. Usually shuts them up because they couldn’t elicit the reaction they were looking for. I’ll stone-face their ass into silence on the regular.

  6. *exaggerated hair flip whilst basking in my own glory*


    *smug and unapologetic shoulder shrug*

  7. Oh I have a good one, I’m a cute petite blonde who had anxiety, decades ago I was partying with some friends and a very famous/weird/goth singer who is recently in a substantial amount of trouble for being a creep. He was asking everyone if they had anything (like drugs I suppose), and I had some prescribed Xanax, the little ones that are white circles, but I kept them in a very small Victorian looking metal container in my purse because I didn’t want to carry a prescription bottle if I felt a panic attack coming on in public. Anyway, he was suuuuppper weirded out by the little box in which I kept them, refused them, and told me I was weird for keeping “drugs” like that and gave me an inquisition about it as if I was trying to give him something else? I’m not sure what triggered him to make ME the weirdo, but wow, I responded by just ignoring him. Note: I have been Xanax free and panic attack free since 2005, aside from one sketchy flight with a lot of turbulence.

  8. My partner calls me weird all the time. I’m just like “So are you.” I’m an odd human, so I take it in stride!

  9. A guy, we’ll call him dice, told me I smelled funny, I (playfully/flirtatiously) whacked him in the arm, he grabbed me and pulled me to him and laughed, I said “if I stink so bad why do you want me so close?” And it ended up with jsut more flirting

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