Taking a break in a relationship. Why did you ask for it? Did you get back together in the end?

  1. I’ve taken breaks in relationships and found its helpful when there are other external pressures or stress and you need some alone time.
    With one partner it made me realize I wanted to end things, and with another partner it made us miss eachother a lot and that we loved eachother 😊
    I think if you trust eachother and put some guidelines on it, it can definitely help. For example we agreed to two weeks, and that we could check in and text eachother once a day, but no more to make sure we were getting the space we needed.

  2. My husband and I took a break for a couple years in the middle of our marriage. He relapsed onto drugs, committed robbery, spent a week in jail, and then had long-term legal shit to deal with. I took our 2-year-old and moved out of state. We got back together 2+ years later, had another kid, but eventually divorced.

  3. I only asked for a break once. It was a complicated situation where I was losing feelings for my boyfriend, crushing on another person and at the same time my best friend confessed to me.
    My plan was to go no-contact for a week with everybody involved so that I could sort out my feelings alone.
    It didn’t work out as my boyfriend demanded that I break up with him instead. So I did, and the break-up was permanent.

    Ultimately I think that it was selfish of me to ask for a break, because it would have left everyone else in turmoil while I was sorting out my feelings.

  4. Bf at the time said it was too much pressure with us being in a relationship, so I said we can either break or break up. He said break up, so we did for 3 weeks, then on a very emotional night where we crossed paths we ended up getting back together and branding the 3 weeks a break. Can’t tell you the feeling of getting back something you lost, feeling safe again. Didn’t last though, the next day I felt this massive anxiety, nothing had changed. A break just made me realise what was going wrong and what I didn’t want. I tried to work through it but nope, ended up breaking up with him a few weeks later.

  5. I thought I was asexual for years. I didn’t actually find anyone attractive until I was almost 19. When I finally saw someone attractive I went on a break with the guy I dated for over 2 years.

    We never got back together. It’s a dick move, I know. But I really wanted an attractive partner and now I have one. I understand looks aren’t forever, but I can’t be with someone I’m not sexually attractive to.

  6. Two years into our relationship, we had to choose between long distance indefinitely and taking a break, and we decided on break. I had been frustrated by some of his life choices and I was ready to meet other people for comparison. The other people made me appreciate his qualities more. A few months later we both decided we wanted to give long distance another chance. I was able to move to his city a few months after. We’re still together now almost three years after the break.

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