Just wondering how risky you people think this is and how many other people might do this. I know online it says if you take the pill accurate it’s like 99.7% effective, but I want to hear from real people and not just some website statistic.

  1. wish there were statistics on how many unplanned children and for that matter failed marriages, began this way.

  2. We have two kids. When we met, she wasn’t on anything, and using just the pullout method, she ended up pregnant within the first month. After that child she went on pill, then we decided since we have one we’d like a second so she went off the pill and she was pregnant right away again. Since then, she’s been on the pill, and we’ve never had any more pregnancies. We have sex anywhere from 5 to 7 times a week and usually at least once or twice a month she forgets to take her pill on time, however despite that for the past ten years the pill has been very effective.

    So for us it works great, however like you pointed out it’s not 100 percent so there’s always a chance. We don’t want more kids, so I went and got a vasectomy.

    Also, should mention since she had been on the pill I had always came inside her and quit doing the pull out method.

  3. Most of my life, I’ve had raw sex with girlfriends who were on the pill. Never had a scare, never caught anything.
    Bare in mind though I’m from a country where abortion is not a taboo, sex is not a sin and if needed, it would be taken care of easily.

  4. 0.3% chance it will be you, Isn’t 0.3% of the 8 billion population = to 2,400,000,000 people so now the odds seem higher if we all fucked on that pill so half that cause it’s women

  5. So birth control methods have 2 statistics associated with them – typical use and perfect use. For all methods that require human action (taking pills, changing patches, putting on a condom) you should always look at the typical use pregnancy rate. So for the combo pill that’s 91%. You can’t look at perfect use unless it’s something like the IUD or implant.

    I was on the combo pill for over 10 years, and in that time I had one accident where I might have gotten pregnant. I forgot my pills before going to my SOs for a long weekend. He had no idea we were at risk. Other than that I didn’t use condoms when in relationships and it was fine. (But, I live in a country where access to abortion is a non-issue, if abortion was restricted I would also require condoms.)

    My point is that you can’t count on perfect use, even people who are really good at taking the pill will forget it, or get diarrhea, or get sick and vomit, or any number of other things that can affect it.

    So yes you can go without condoms if she’s ok with it, but be careful about who you choose to do this with.

  6. If you guys are still worried about it, you can also add the rhythm method to the mix. The rhythm method isn’t all that reliable, but when combined with her birth control can maybe alleviate your concerns.

    Have unprotected sex as much as you want until she’s ovulating, then either use condoms or abstain.

    Rhythm method requires some practice and ideally one of those cool devices that takes temperature daily and learns your body. A previous partner of mine used that in combination with condoms for all her previous partners and never had any problems.

    I had a vasectomy few years ago, so we didn’t have to worry about avoiding her fertility cycles at all when I was with her. She still used her tracking device out of habit and to keep in tune with her body. I liked it, but then again I’m kinda a science/biology geek with sex stuff. All she did was take her temperate with the device every day right after waking up. It’s not perfect, especially depending on the person’s cycle regularity, etc.

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