I’m just watching Chernobyl on HBO and I just thought of how disgusting it would be to make a move on someone while watching it. But I’d love to hear what you think would make you cringe even more?

  1. My date once asked me to watch Top Gun. I cannot begin to tell you how unsexy and mood killing loud plane noises was to me.

  2. A date once turned on Last House on the Left. For those who haven’t seen it there’s a violent SA scene in it…… def didn’t want to ‘chill’ after that

  3. Had a guy put on Fox News and attempt to make out with me once. I’ve never put my shoes on so fast in my life.

  4. Not a mainstream movie but once I was dating this hardcore Catholic guy from the fields of Louisiana and on one of our first dates he says, I need you to watch this video, it’s very important. And it was literally an hour of some 1980s horribly home movie quality made video of what hell was like and the narrator kept saying the same things over and over. His mom was watching it with us too so I felt like I couldn’t be disrespectful, so I just sat there for the whole hour. After it was done he asked me what I thought about it. I was so over it at that point I just said, “It was cool.” And I disappeared into my bathroom to vape some cannabis. LOL. He never brought it up again.

  5. 365 days. I couldn’t watch it till the end. Just bloody creepy, rapey, gaslighting, manupilative shit.

  6. There was an episode of King of the Hill where Hank mentioned renting an “R-rated movie” for their wedding anniversary, and eventually he reveals that it was “Platoon” lol

  7. Oh God. First time I went over a guy’s place, we were browsing Netflix titles when I was like, “Oh, the Brony documentary!” I’d wanted to watch it and didn’t realize it was on Netflix…but I didn’t mean that I wanted to watch it on that date. He took my excited surprise to mean I wanted to watch it so he put it on.

    He fell asleep. Which was probably better than him actually watching the whole thing with me. Bonus is he had one arm around my shoulders and the other had was holding a cup of water. I realized he’d fallen asleep because he dropped the cup of water and it spilled all over me.

  8. I once watched The Room on an early date (before we had had sex or even talked about doing so) and it was pretty awkward

  9. Oh man, do I have an answer for this one, although it’s not Netflix that this happened.

    My second date with my ex-husband, we went to see Closer in the theatre. Phenomenal movie about all the worst parts of a relationship.

    It foreshadowed an awful lot about our relationship.

  10. my first kiss was after Hot Rod or Nacho Libre, so…. not my place to judge, I guess

  11. Irreversible, there’s a very graphic nine-minute SA scene in the movie that is very hard to watch.

  12. Had a Tinder date come over to my dorm and insisted we watch “We Need to Talk About Kevin” .

  13. Spotlight, it’s not a documentary but it covers the Boston Globe’s reveal of the pedophilic practices of the Catholic Church

  14. I haven’t had a “netflix and chill” date, but any subgenre of Adam Sandler movie, any Nicholas Spark-based movie, and any history-based movie would be instant mood-killers, I think.

  15. My Previous FWB made moves on me while watching Chernobyl. So I’d just like to confirm that situation has happened.

    Luckily, it was pretty quickly in (we started watching it after something else) so I said we just had to turn it off; otherwise, hard no.

  16. Ugh I accidentally asked a guy out to a movie as a first date since we liked the same musical artist: didn’t realize how heart wrenching the Amy winehouse documentary was gonna be. He tried to make out afterwards and I was still teary and snotty

  17. The key to properly Netflix and chill is to choose the movie with the best sound track. That’s what you’ll be hearing.

  18. I was in the other room once when my friend had sex with a guy in the living room while Impractical Jokers was on in the background

  19. In high school had a boy try to put his hand in my pants while Human Centipede unfolded before us. No shame, no horror.

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