I know it sounds weird. I wonder if I’m the only one out there. I don’t have a lot in common with my family members or my husband’s friends. They often like to play games and do things I don’t like. If they choose these activities I either don’t go to them or leave early. I don’t think people should change their plans just because one person doesn’t like it. If I tell them I don’t want to do something they get upset and try to change the plans. I don’t want to feel like a burden to them. I always feel like we do something and then they do their things or I meet them later on. Why do people always make such a big deal about this? I know they mean well, but it drives me crazy. Has anyone else been in this situation?

1 comment
  1. Take charge of the situation. Tell them what you plan to do instead (even if it’s taking a nap) and how much you’re excited for it and how you hope they enjoy whatever they have planned and that you’ll catch up later.

    They imagine you’d be sitting alone in misery, when they’re having the best time ever. Let them know it’s not the case.

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