I don’t know if this is stupid as hell but I’d love to hear another perspective on this because everyone I know thinks the same way I do (no shocker that the people I am surrounded by feels the same way as me).

So I need to hear from a more mixed group of people as to find another way to think about it.

My boyfriend simply won’t tell me stuff. He’ll go to a friends house for three hours, come home and not say a thing about it. He’s out seeing people, hanging out with friends, talking to his parents on the phone, coming home from work etc etc, and he just won’t say a word about anything. To me, this is weird as hell, and its not that I’m asking for a play by play of everything that he does ever, but why is it so hard to share his life with me?

I’m used to people (and myself) just mentioning stuff that’s going on, like if you come home from a friends house and I asked if you had a good time, instead of just saying “yes”, I’m expecting him to say something like “yeah we had a great time, we made some hamburgers and watched an episode of Queen Charlotte.” Just to share stuff. (And I don’t think that’s a lot of information or too much to ask, but what do I know.)

To me, it’s just *normal* to mention when you’ve been talking to a friend, or telling me about your day or just sharing things like “I talked to (friend) and we decided to have lunch next week” instead of informing me a week after – the day of.

So how do I reconcile with this? I’m guessing I need to just accept that he doesn’t want to tell me anything, but it feels fucking weird to be in a relationship where the other person doesn’t involve me in their life – because that’s what I’m used to and feel comfortable with.

Its not that I feel that he’s necessarily doing anything wrong, I just don’t get it. Its just so weird hearing him be on the phone in another room and then come out to the living room and not saying a word about it. There’s a part of me that gets insecure because I don’t know what’s going on, and a part of me that gets sad that he doesn’t want me to know what’s going on in his life… Like, he can randomly say something and tell me he went to dinner with a friend the week before, and never told me about it. And again, its not that he’s not allowed to do stuff or that I need to know every detail about everything… I just don’t know how to deal with this, its just so strange to me. We’ve been together for almost a year now, and basically live together, but a lot of the time I don’t even know what he’s up to.

(I definitely don’t think he’s cheating and its not that I need to keep track of him, it just makes me sad that he doesn’t involve me in his life most of the time, because that’s what I’ve known all my life. For partners to have an interest in you and want to share their day and other random stuff, so I just feel awkward about all of it.)

TLDR; My boyfriend never tells me about what’s going on in his life or what he’s up to, and I feel very strange about it and don’t get why he doesn’t want to involve me in his life more.

1 comment
  1. A partner who doesn’t share what’s going in their life with their other significant, then they deserve to be dumped away.

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