Why is long hair considered more feminine on women (I’m talking about women only ) , I want to ask men how do they view it , what is their view on connection between long hair and femininity , what is their perspective on it ,and how do they view a women with long hair different than a women with shorter hair , is it biology ? or what shed some light , like I really wanna be more feminine as a women in every aspect so yeah tell me about it !!

  1. Personally, i don’t get it.

    I prefer shorter haired women.

    It’s my weakness.

    But to each their own.

  2. Woman here. I’ve thought about this too and biologically it makes sense because healthy (we interpret as long) hair, healthy nails, healthy skin, etc. all represent/signify fertility. To be healthy is to be fertile (not always the case but to generalize). We’re *supposed* to procreate and we’re drawn to individuals who have the qualities we’d want in our children (healthy shit).

    Edit it’s just my opinion. Take it at face value. It’s not that deep. I don’t need a bunch of dms over this comment. Y’all can chill.

  3. I remember reading that during the industrial revolution, men had to cut their hair short to stop it getting caught up in machinery. But this doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny, I don’t think, because millions of women also worked in factories.

    From about 1915 on, there are good reasons for men to have short hair and to be clean shaven. Helmets and gasmasks don’t fit as well over long hair and beards. But the short back and sides was already entrenched as the male haircut before the Great War.

    It is an interesting historical question.

  4. I think for me it’s more about mannerisms, body language and ways of thinking than hair for me. But yeah I prefer the long hair although short hair is pretty cute too.

  5. Men are generally attracted to women with a youthful and healthy appearance (indicative of greater fertility), whereas women are more attentive to signs of physical strength and ‘formidability’. Hair length might have emerged in this context as a visual signal of a woman’s fecundity.

  6. Feminine energy and poise is the cheat code. Magnify your feminine energy, which is the practice of moment to moment vulnerability/openness in life.

    I’ve never seen a woman who wouldn’t look better with long hair. Human females typically sustain healthier hair for more years, whereas male hair is weakened over time by testosterone. Men like female features for their femaleness; healthy long hair means healthy woman means healthy offspring.

  7. Don’t have a real answer like a study or statics or anything like that. I am just a sucker for long hair on women, don’t get me wrong, short hair can look good on women. I just prefer long hairs on them.

  8. What’s the connection between anything really? It is what it is and who cares?

  9. Very short hair makes you look unattractive and on some cases like a lesbian.

    And it shows you don’t put time into your appearance, something most men would like to see in a woman.

  10. It looks prettier.

    Women with short hair may have a pretty face but what they don’t have is lovely long locks of hair.

    I prefer at least shoulder length. Anything shorter is less attractive to me.

  11. Truthfully when I really think about it I don’t necessarily associate long hair with being feminine. My dad when I was a kid into my early teens had a full on pony tail to his ass type long hair. So I grew up around men with very long hair.

    These day’s though I find most men I know and associate with keep their hair trimmed short and the females I know prefer length to their hair. So by that I usually think most feminine people to prefer longer hair then short from my own experiences.

  12. Long health hair is a marker of good, overall health. Any marker of health is attractive.

    It’s a marker of health and attraction for both sexes but there’s a long martial tradition of short hair. Long hair is a huge liability in a fight. Long hair being seen as female is cultural but is common across many cultures for practical reasons.

  13. I think its fertility and good health. Pelts and hair can fall out or get less shiny when a human or animal is ill, just like skin can rougher and lose all shine. That is more – but not exclusively – associated with women because in human history and across species there were nore powerful indicators to assess the health and genetic viability of a man. And thats really what the objective part of attractiveness is about – assessing genetic viability.

    So long hair might just be misinterpreted as feminine but it is accurate enough in its primary function that it stuck with us

  14. It looks better, more graceful, and pretty. It doesn’t have to be down to the waist or so voluminous that it can be used instead of clothing, but women with longer hair just look nicer.

  15. Because most girls have long hair and most guys have short hair so long hair is seen as feminine.

    And in the bedroom long hair gives something for the guy to pull on

  16. I don’t think it’s more feminine. I think it is more youthful.

    I think long hair looks good on men also and doesn’t make them look more feminine.

  17. In my culture and ethnicity, women just usually have long thick black hair. My mother. my sisters, my wife, all the neighborhood girls in junior high when I hit puberty. I’ve never had any other ideal of female beauty.

  18. Long hair serves a sexual function and that function directly relates to being submissive.

  19. It’s associated with youthfulness. Bobbed hair is typically seen on women who don’t have the time to fool with long hair and long locks on a middle aged women just look odd in my opinion

  20. I have no idea.
    Guys with long hair (sometimes) look cool to me.
    Women with long hair just hit something… _primal_ in me. Something that i cant explain or quantify.

    I mean, i see long hair that is curled on a woman and I perk up. I have absolutely no idea why.

  21. I dunno, I love pixie – shoulder length hair on women but I’m clearly a minority

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