How do i attempt to kiss a woman, without ruining things between us? We are friends, but i have been interested in her for a long time. I am afraid if i try anything it would ruin our friendship, which i do not want to happen. What should i do?

  1. You wait until it’s just the two of you, with good feelings, and then you ask: “May I kiss you?”

  2. Don’t just fuckin lean in and go for it bro. Tell her how you feel. If your friendship is good and you can move on if she isn’t interested, it shouldn’t be affected. If it does ruin your friendship, I promise the process of moving on from that will be easier than the years of yearning you’d be damning yourself to by not telling her . Take it from a guy who’s been there

  3. This isn’t a movie. Don’t just go for it. Talk to her first

  4. Absolutely don’t just try to kiss her. As a woman that’s the most awkward thing if you’re hanging with a friend and then they just try to kiss you. Not okay.

    Tell her you like her and that you would like to change your relationship to a romantic one and see what she says. Then ask to kiss her if she’s given you a positive response.

    Just be prepared that she might not be into you in that way and it might make it difficult for you to stay friends. But if you’ve been romantically attracted to her the whole time perhaps staying friends wouldn’t be okay anyways?

    Just keep it a little casual and be ready to back off if it isn’t what she wants. And don’t keep pushing if it’s a negative.

    Good luck!

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