If you could make one law regarding the Internet and it’s usage, what would it be?

  1. Unless it is a video of an alleged crime, I don’t think it should be allowed to post a video or picture of someone without their permission. Not including police or public figures.

  2. There should be a law against the way that people with OFs and the such push them on people

  3. that you have to take an IQ test and get at least 50, which is moron level..

  4. The usual, make it a utility so no data caps and advertised speed need to be within 95% of what’s actually achievable at any time of day.

    Also policing for stuff like kiddie porn and all the stuff they already police for now.

  5. Not that I 100% support this. But imagine..

    Nothing can be done anonymously.

  6. I’d take news off social media. Turn off the share button and move all news to a separate platform.

    Giving the general public the ability to become the de facto news curators of their communities when they are not trained to be is having some pretty dystopian consequences.

  7. You can only buy feet pics from women who are in their late 30’s and are not hot enough to sell nudes.

    Just trying to tip the scales in my favor.

  8. If you don’t know enough about something, you must say “I don’t know” if asked your opinion. And if you just offer your uninformed opinion unsolicited… boot to the head!

  9. It would require a licence and registration.

    Anonymity has failed anyway and I presumably get to write the exam, so whqtever.

  10. Can’t use socials until you are a legal adult. Kids need to stay away from that shit. Hell if I had that power I’d just get rid of it all

  11. Zero idea about this would be enforced but zero anonymity for any person or entity that uses the internet. People are free to do what they what but understand everything can be linked back to them. For governments and corporations, the same thing applies.

    While this creates several major issues like incentizing oversight and policing from gov’ts and corporations, dampening free speech from marginalized groups, and deterring people from accessing sensitive info for fear of being found out (like if they’re questioning sexual preference, their religion, or how to leave an abusive relationship)

    On the positive side, it removes a lot of issues. The biggest one being a drastic reduction in the amount of hate and abuse we encounter on a daily basis. The fear of consequences will dissuade people from committing potentially harmful acts like swatting, harassment, bullying, etc. The amount of fake news and misinformation would be greatly reduced. More important govts and corporations couldn’t use things like propaganda, unleashing an army of bots, or other devious tactics currently used with nefarious intentions.

  12. I get it but I also think it should be free or very cheap. Where I live, I’m paying ridiculous prices for slightly above average speeds.

  13. I wouldn’t bother because the law id want to make is unenforceable. If I could actually enforce any law I make, it would be that no person, bot, AI or corporation is allowed to create or post untrue statements or in any way lie on the Internet.

  14. I would implement a license to use the Internet, just as we have a license to drive.

  15. All reports of ToS violations must be approved by me before punishment is rendered and they would go to an email address that I would never open.

    Enjoy Digital Tortuga all.

  16. You can still use the internet for most things, but if you can’t explain why someone would disagree with your opinions other than being inherently evil/stupid then you aren’t allowed to interact with other people online.

  17. Any pic thats filtered would have a disclaimer. Just so people would be aware.

    Child porn would automatically disappear if someone tried to upload it.

  18. Social media and dating apps are closed 365 out of the 365 1/4 days of the year.

  19. Government agents and employees who instruct social media companies to censor users for “misinformation” should have to go through a public legal process and get approval from a judge

  20. Local addresses like for your country. You can create country specific websites (inaccessible outside of your country except obvious VPN’s) for free under the grounds that it does not promote illegal activities or information that could be seen as harmful.

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