What are your scariest dreams?

  1. I have a recurring one of hitting a kid with my car, with time skips over the course of the next few years of my life falling apart in a million different ways because Iā€™m so wracked with guilt.

  2. Itā€™s always this one. I have to take a train from one city in my country to go to the seaside or vice versa. I always always manage to not get on time and to try in desperation in either to catch it on time or to go to the next station. Then I always have to go into the wilderness where there is some kind of obstacle- formidable hill I cant go over, swamp that makes me desperate.

  3. It’s either that I’m on a plane (which is bad enough because I have a phobia of flying) or in a plane crash, or I forget about a concert and end up having to stand in the very back of the venue. I’m honestly not sure which one is worse. In the plane crashes I’m at least lucid and able to stop time and teleport out of there before everyone dies, but I never have lucid dreams about concerts and just end up having my day ruined.

  4. The ones where you wake up in the dream and think itā€™s real life. Then you really wake up and are so happy it was a dream.

  5. That someone has broken into my house and is in the room with me. I always wake up screaming, and in the darkness I make out ā€œfiguresā€ that are really just shadows or hanging clothes.

  6. The one where I am autopsied while I am awake and each pain is celebrated by everyone in the room.

  7. I have recurring dreams where Iā€™m on a beach but instead of flat sand itā€™s a very very very steep hill going straight down to the VERY rough water, with huge tidal waves.

    I donā€™t know what causes them, maybe itā€™s because I live close to a beach, even though Iā€™ve never been scared of it. But I hate those dreams so much, they donā€™t sound that bad when written out but theyā€™re legit terrifying.

  8. Reliving my rape and attempted murder. But it’s down to once or twice a month now and I know how to wake up when it starts now.

  9. The one I had last night.

    I’m currently, more or less, in an abusive relationship. My husband treats me badly, despite being unemployed and me being the breadwinner. He has a history of alcoholism, is verbally, emotionally, and psychologically abusive, and has ***serious*** anger problems. I’ve been contemplating divorce for several years now. There have been several ‘signs’ over the last few years that have been a pretty clear indication that I should probably leave, but I’ve always flip-flopped on whether to stay or go. I think something in me keeps hoping he’ll change.

    Last night, I had a dream that someone (IDK who) informed me that my husband was dead. During the dream, someone (again, IDK who) led me to a coffin/casket where his body was, and I cried over the coffin/casket. During the dream, both letters and people also kept showing up at the front door of my house with supportive and caring messages. And at random times during the dream, I would just randomly break down and have moments where I’d cry.

    It felt very cryptic, and so vivid it almost felt real. When I woke up this morning, I was kinda genuinely surprised to see my husband laying next to me.

    I work in STEM. I’m the type of person that believes in cold, hard fact and evidence, and usually don’t put too much stock into abstract things like dreams. But, this dream felt like a sign.

  10. Re writing criminal procedure exam..

    Working for my previous job (legal internship)..


  11. Every year or so I have a dream where someone pours gasoline on me. It’s incredibly scary.

  12. I had a scary dream where I went through both heaven and hell, hell first and then heaven and I had it when I was like 10! I woke up crying and it was the moment I decided I didnā€™t believe in god. It wasnā€™t the scariest dream Iā€™ve had, but it was really scary!

  13. Super zombies. They look like people, but if you see their reflection you can tell they’re zombies. And they move very fast. I don’t even watch any zombie movies or series, so I don’t know where they come into my dreams

  14. The ones I have a difficult time waking up from. Not sure if its sleep paralysis but I keep having the same dream, where I think Iā€™m awake in my own room but Iā€™m not. In my dream im waking up in my room and thereā€™s a figure in the corner. Canā€™t move, can hardly keep my eyes open. Itā€™s terrifying.

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