What phrases do you hear guys hear that make your eyes roll?

  1. “me and the missus”

    Because I immediately know the guy is gonna go on the most boring relationship tangent known to man.

  2. “Does anyone else…”

    Yes, the answer to this is almost always going to be yes. There is virtually nothing in the world so rare that you are the only person to think or do it.

  3. “You’d think that…”

    I always tune out for a minute. No one ever notices.

  4. “Is it just me…?, Does anyone else..?, Why is nobody talking about…?” Waaa! I’m so alone in whatever I’m feeling right now, why don’t I go on the Internet and call attention to this insignificant thing which nobody gave a shit about a second ago so they can validate how I feel about this thing. Shut up, shut up!!

  5. “You tried.”

    also anytime someone talks about someone they don’t know like they were best friends once. Like, you two have never even spoken?

  6. Anything with “woke” in it has lost all meaning and just serves as a helpful note to ignore anything else that person says

  7. Unprompted:

    “When I was in…” then goes on a whole story about his trip.

    My friend does this and dominates the conversation with what he did with his boyfriend.

  8. “Do better.” Then the speaker says nothing else to help the person they smartass quipped that to understand how they are meant to do just that in the commentator’s eyes.

    Worst example was earlier this week when a new barista at my favourite coffee shop handed the wrong coffee to someone who had the same name as the person who placed the order. The Karen who took it looked at the poor barista girl as if she was her slave, slammed down the coffee after a single sip and acidly said “DO BETTER.”

  9. Hearing people talk about their relationship or their relationship woes in any capacity.

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