I’m a junior in high school (17 M, dating a girl in another class, also 17). I transferred to this school last year and have a few close friends, but have drifted away from them a bit since I’ve been dating this girl. They don’t like her and I don’t think they’d accept her.

I actually mentioned this girl on another sub-forum. I really like her because:

1. She has this confidence that I just find super attractive

2. She is both laid-back and interesting. I’m never bored when I’m around her.

3. She says she likes me for me. I’ve always had low self-esteem and I love that she sees something in me.

4. I’ll be honest, she’s gorgeous, to say the least.

One of my friends sort of scoffed at me when I told him how much I like her. She’s not terribly well-liked because she can be admittedly a bit of a Mean Girl. For example:

1. She talks about using pressure to influence people

2. She used to sort of pick on one of my friends

3. My first encounter with her was on my first day of school last year. She and a few of her friends had this one girl surrounded in the hallway, and she was visibly upset

4. She recently lost her childhood best friend because she apparently humiliated her by telling her ‘crush’ how much she likes him. Drama, but I can see how it was a betrayal of trust.

Despite these red flags, I still feel very attracted to her and would hate to break it off with her. Have any of you ever dated such a person?

1 comment
  1. Based on my experience, someone that’s mean and treats other badly will eventually turn that on you. so that’s a definite deal breaker for me.

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