Yesterday when I got off work, I had 10 missed calls and a bunch of texts from my girlfriend.

She was texting things like, “please speak with me I need you”

I immediately called her when I got off, but she didn’t pick up the phone.

I also text her and did not get any response.

I tried calling her every hour but she wasn’t picking up or calling back.

I started getting worried that something may have happened.

3 hours later, she calls me back and said that she didn’t have her phone on her because she was talking with her sister, who is also her roommate.

I accused her of playing games because she called so many times and sent concerning texts while I was at work, but took 3 hours to contact me back.

She told me that I was the one playing games, because I was the one that was avoiding her texts and phone calls.

This made me feel like my suspicions were confirmed, because it feels like she was ignoring my phone calls as a reaction to my unavailability during work.

Things got heated and we haven’t spoke to each other since.

TL;DR had a bunch of missed calls and concerning texts from gf during work. I tried reaching back to her after work, but she went missing for 3 hours. She told me that she didn’t have her phone on her the whole time. I accused her for playing a game, and then she accused me for playing games for not talking to her during work.

  1. What was the thing she needed to speak with you about?? She understands you were at work and not able to look at your phone, right?

  2. I would move on from this so fast it would make her head spin.

    You were working. End of story.

    Now I have a feeling she’s waiting for you to apologize and come crawling back. Don’t.

    How has not talking to her the last few days felt? If you think about how you would feel without her drama and manipulative behavior and you would feel better. Move on.

  3. I would avoid accusing people of playing games, even if you think they are. That usually causes arguments and gets nowhere as you see here.

    Instead, I would emphasize how worried I was and that she should only text and call that many times in an emergency.

    Anyway, did she ever say what the emergency was?

  4. She is mentally not well. Text her to get into therapy and then frigging block her. She is emotionally manipulating you and this has to stop.

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