A couple days ago, I hooked up with a guy I met on Tinder and it was AMAZING. It was definitely rougher than what I’m used to and he lasted a lot longer than guys I’ve been with in the past.
When I was on top riding him, his dick was hitting all the right spots especially when I was rocking back and forward. Pretty quickly, I was staring to climax but I began feeling like I was about to piss really bad.
The weird thing was that I kinda enjoyed the feeling and the tension from me holding it in. I told the guy I really had to pee but he kept on going which made the feeling even worse/better? I had to physically stop him and usain bolt to the bathroom bc I didnt want to wet his bed lol.
Later he told me that I was probably going to squirt instead of pee which I didnt really consider because I’ve never done it before.
Is there a way to tell the difference between when you’re abt to squirt vs pee?

  1. Squirting is either all urine or mostly urine. The only difference is whether PSA is present. There is simply no similar liquid that could be expelled with such force and in such quantity from the vagina so it can only be urine from the urethra, with or without the presence of PSA.

  2. My experience is that I can go from no stimulation to squirting a LOT of fluid (half a pint?) in less than 90 seconds, with the right stimulation. And typically that will be immediately after (i.e. 90 seconds-2 minutes after) I’ve had a full pee in the bathroom, so that that half pint of fluid that I squirt simply cannot be urine that’s come from my kidneys. Squirt does come from the urethra (i.e. the pee-hole). It looks nothing like urine (is more or less colourless with a very faint whitish tinge) and it smells nothing like urine (it is odourless) and it tastes nothing like urine (it tastes of simple dilute sugar-water), and while urine feels like water to the touch, squirt feels slightly more viscous than water and has a slight ‘slippery’ quality to it when you rub it between your fingertips (unlike urine, which feels like water when you rub it between your fingertips, and has no slipperiness to it).

    For a decade I had a boyfriend who really loved women’s ‘fluids’. He loved for me to squirt on him and into his mouth, and he also loved for me to pee on him and/or into his mouth. Very definitely two different fluids. I’ve had other men who liked me to squirt into their mouths, and they also (like me) have been convinced that squirt is NOT urine, even though it comes out of the same tube. You have to experience the two fluids, really, to understand how totally different they are.

    When you first get squirt-causing stimulation, as a newbie, you may confuse the sensation with the urge to pee. The best way past this, in my experience, is to empty your bladder of urine and then get stimulated immediately in a squirt-causing way. A man who knows what he’s doing can get you from emptying your bladder of urine to being ready to squirt in a matter of seconds. Then you’ll be confident that you can ‘accept’ that ‘urge to pee’ and not fight it…. that’s what leads to squirting. And then, with experience, you’ll notice that actually the ‘I need to squirt’ feeling is not in fact identical to the ‘I need to pee’ feeling; the two are felt in a similar area of the anatomy, but they feel ‘qualitatively’ different.

  3. I know it’s mostly piss. I don’t care. I fucked you so good you lost control and pissed on me.

  4. The buildup definitely feels the same for me like the feeling of me needing to let something out, the feeling of squirting itself feels different than peeing tho that might just be because of the penetration and everything that’s also happening me and my partner enjoy it tho and I think that’s all that matters if he’s down just let go I doubt he’ll care about the outcome

  5. If you are a hydrated person, your pee will be clear and without a strong smell.

    I always try to urinate before and after sex… It doesn’t stop me from having squirt.
    However, there are times when I actually don’t have the squirt while I come and I get a huge urge to pee right after.
    Also, for me squirt is Just squirt. Much more trouble Changing the sheets than actually enjoying 😂

    Either way, pee or not, just relax and let it go next time… You will enjoy. And the Guy Will fell the most special person jn the world.

  6. I made my wife squirt it didn’t pump out it kind of leaked out of her. She said it felt more intense she didn’t have the peeing sensation but I’ve heard that is common. Next time don’t stop let it happen. Ask the dude if you feel that again should you stop . He’ll say no keep going

  7. I’m so tired of posts about squirting on this sub. Its every other post and most of them are from squirters. Determinations made in every post: It’s pee. It’s highly desired by men regardless. It can be faked. The people who can do it enjoy it (mostly). There’s nothing wrong, nor is there less pleasure, when someone can’t squirt.

    Why are there so many questions for such an open and shut topic? I feel like the conversation always comes down to the “piss vs not piss argument” (even tho we know it comes from the bladder and it is almost all urine) or it’s a bunch of dudes showering (😈) the girls who claim to squirt with compliments and statements that their partners are super lucky.

    At this point I’m convinced half the posts about squirting are people looking for feel goods and validation from strangers online that they’re hot in bed.

  8. Okay so I’ve only squirted with my current bf of 5 years. The build up feels the same but from my experience, it’s your natural fluids and pee that comes out. The more water you drink, the better and using the bathroom before sex also helps. When I’ve made my little puddles on the sheets, they dry and get hard lol

    ETA: when you ran off to pee, did you immediately pee or did it take you a second? Sorry if that’s weird.

  9. Copied from a medical discussion in a journal.

    During a 2022 study that also sought to understand squirting further, researchers came to a similar conclusion. They injected blue dye into the bladders of its female participants and found that, in all cases, the fluid released during squirting was blue. This suggested it had originated from the bladder — but it was also found to contain PSAs, meaning that the liquid must have come from both the bladder and the Skene’s glands.

    Not sure what the Skene’s glands are? You’re not the only one, so here’s a mini biology lesson. Sometimes called the lesser vestibular glands, the Skene’s glands are also known as the female prostate. Two ducts that are located on either side of your urethra (the tube connected to your bladder that allows pee to leave your body), the Skene’s glands are made of similar tissue to that of your clitoris. They’ve got some clever functions, too. It’s believed that the glands release antimicrobial substances (like zinc, which can stop the growth of bacteria) to prevent urinary tract infections.

    What does squirting feel and look like?
    If you don’t think you’ve ever squirted, you’ll likely be curious about what it feels like. However, as with all things with sex, there’s no such thing as “one size fits all.” Every sexual experience and orgasm is different, and the same applies to squirting. “For some women, it’s a pleasurable fullness they feel and a welcome release once the fluid is released,” Dr. Wilson-Manigat says. “For other women, they may not feel anything at all and only notice that their sheets are wet.”

    Research found that 78.8% of those who reported squirting said that it was “an enrichment of their sexual lives,” as did 90% of their partners. So, for many, it does seem to be a positive experience. But if squirting isn’t your body’s thing, then that’s totally normal. In fact, you’re in the majority — more on that below.

    Is it normal, and how common is it?
    Is squirting normal? Definitely. How common is it? That’s trickier to say. “We don’t really know, partly because there hasn’t been a clear consensus on what exactly squirting fluid is or where it comes from,” says Dr. Wilson-Manigat. A study found that among women who did squirt, most reported doing it a few times a week. So for women who do squirt, it seems to be a common occurrence for them.

    Dr. Wilson-Manigat explains that it’s hard to work out how common squirting actually is because, until 2011, published studies didn’t always distinguish between the fluids released during orgasm. That’s despite the fact that, in reality, there are a lot of different reasons why you might release liquid during sex. They can include:

    Vaginal lubrication when you’re aroused
    Female ejaculate: This slightly differs from squirting. Stick with us here: Female ejaculate is also made in the Skene’s glands. However, unlike squirting, female ejaculation is described as more of a trickle, with about 1 ml of thick, milky liquid being secreted.
    Pee: If you already experience some incontinence, you might also have experienced coital incontinence. “Coital incontinence can show up as leaking urine with penetration as well as during orgasm,” Dr. Wilson-Manigat explains. Essentially, it’s peeing a little bit during sex and isn’t the same as squirting. This isn’t anything to be ashamed of, and if you’ve experienced coital incontinence, your doctor will be able to offer you different ways to manage it.
    Squirting fluid
    The lack of distinction between fluids released during sex in scientific studies may be why there’s an unknown about how many people can actually squirt. But whatever the specific number, the main thing is understanding your own body. If that means squirting is a common part of sex for you, then all power to you. And if it isn’t, that’s also OK.

    Copy and pasted from an article in a journal

  10. I was once squirted on after a beautiful meal of a petite filet, light salad…. And asparagus….. So I feel pretty confident saying yeah it’s pee. But that really doesn’t matter most of the time if you’re well hydrated.

  11. Squirt is mostly pee. That being said I fucking love it when my girl squirts on me ans if the bed is collat then it is

  12. It really doesn’t matter what the difference is. If it feels good, keep going and let your body do what it wants to do.

  13. I think squirting is peeing but that’s what it felt like for me only i didn’t run to the bathroom bc me and my partner both like pee so it doesn’t matter haha

  14. It’s something else and piss. My wife squirts gushers, pretty much, everytime. She empties her bladder before our sessions, but she still squirts massive. While we know there’s piss involved, it has never had a pee smell.

  15. Gonna chime in to say I have definitely felt the urge to pee before squirting, but I have also once actually peed thinking it was the same thing. I know the difference in sensation now lol

  16. *“The squirt and the pee both come from the same place, using all the same body parts (urethra and bladder),” says Zhana Vrangalova, PhD, sex researcher and Adjunct Professor of psychology at New York University. And it is possible to pee during sex; some porn stars known as “squirters” actually do this to give the impression that they’re gushing female ejaculate.*

    *In other words, squirting isn’t that different from peeing, so how do you know the difference?*

    *What makes matters confusing is that the fluid you squirt could actually contain urine: A 2015 study of seven cis women who squirted, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that the women’s bladders filled up right before squirting and emptied afterward. The emission contained urea, creatinine, and uric acid — the components of urine — along with (for five participants) fluid coming from the female prostate, or Skene’s glands, which surrounds the urethra right below the bladder (in the area you’d target for g-spot stimulation).*

    *Squirting tends to feel like “a pleasurable sense of building tension that is relieved by, or that culminates in, the expulsion of fluid out of the urethra,” says Good Vibrations resident sexologist Carol Queen, PhD. Female ejaculation isn’t always accompanied by orgasm, though the force of the expulsion may be stronger when it is.*

    Short answer is, yes, you are peeing,… it just happens to feel good during sex and some other stuff is mixed in with it,…

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