You’re given $100,000 to spend in 1 hour, if you don’t spend it all you loose it. What do you buy?

  1. Finish paying off my wife and my car, put the rest towards my mortgage. Can do both right from my phone, wouldn’t even need full hour I could spend that 100k in under 15 minutes.

  2. I would go to Neiman Marcus, get a whole new wardrobe for myself and a few luxury hand bags for my mom.

  3. One hour? I’m assuming I can’t just transfer it to my brokerage account and buy stock, or anything like that. I’d buy a new Land Cruiser. Call Toyota and tell them to start the paperwork and they lose the sale if it takes more than 45 minutes.

  4. I’d pay off my son’s $67K student loan off. Then I’d spend the remaining $33K drinking myself into oblivion, wondering why I did that..

  5. Put it towards the principle on my mortgage. Then, I can refinance when the rates are good and I have a remodel setup to finance the remodel.

  6. I pay off my school debt immediately. Then probs a new car cause the ol gal has 200k miles on her

  7. Buy a random thing from a trustworthy family member for 100 000,-. Now that the money is laundered, have them send it back to me

  8. Pay off remaining student loans ($12k) and use the remainder for a down payment towards a house.

  9. I would send $100,000 worth of individually pack dildos to the Whitehouse with a return address of Kenneth Copeland’s mansion.

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