I am insecure about my intelligence.
People like doctors and professors tell me I am smart and I once did an IQ Test where I scored 142. But sometimes i think about things and dont get them and feel awfull. Sometimes I say stuff on a level of stupidity i cant even comprehend in hindsight.
It feels cripling i just feel stupid and I fear others thing that to…

  1. From what I’ve heard, imposter syndrome is common with truly intelligent people. Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re immune to messing up. The smartest people understand that they don’t know everything and there is always more to learn. The idiot is the one that asserts that they know when they do not. You’ll be alright, just try to use your intelligence to your advantage and make something of yourself.

  2. I had a similar problem. In school I was always the “smart” kid and got good grades. My parents, teachers, etc gave a lot of praise bc I did well in school. Taking an IQ test, I also got an above average score.

    So this kind of puts you in a box, where everyone even yourself is expecting you to be smart and know everything. I think this is where the feeling of being dumb comes from, because of course we can’t know everything. We have to realize that we’re human and it’s okay to make mistakes!

  3. With a high IQ you can easily find yourself among a similar crowd. Maybe you go to engineering school where you’re surrounded by other smart people and the things you are supposed to know get more difficult. You can compare yourself to others but only the smartest person in the world will feel better that way. Compare yourself to yourself. improve yourself. Or do your best and see if you are successful, not the best, just successful. Like did you pass school, do you do your job. Don’t set arbitrarily high goals for how smart you think you should be.

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