I have had trouble making new female friends this year due to not being in school. I made a couple on bumble BFF which have been nice but I’ve also made a few at my job I started this year. There’s one in particular who I vibe really well with. Better than any of the other friends I’ve made this year. We work together once or twice a week and it’s always so fun.

I think I’m starting to over think it though. And that’s stopping me from progressing the friendship. We have hung out about 5/6 times outside of work now. Getting coffee, shopping, getting nails done, going on walks, getting dinner. We get along so well that we are even looking into taking a trip together this summer.

I just have trouble trying to initiate plans. So far all the times have been out of necessity if that makes sense? Like “I’ve really been needing to get my nails done let’s go together!” Or “let’s look for new summer clothes together!” Etc, it’s been like that when either of us ask to hangout.

She thinks of me as a close friend though which is a good sign I guess. She said so a couple days ago at work and asked me to come help plan a party she’s hosting for our co workers in a few weeks.

I need more ideas of how to ask to hangout without seeming needy? I always have trouble taking a light hearted friendship into a closer friendship and I don’t know how to do that.

I really just need more ideas for hangouts and how to ask to hangout in a “chill” way??? I’m so socially awkward so I’m sorry if this post was all over the place but any help is greatly appreciated.

  1. I dont know how would you do it, but i would say like: hey, would you like to go with me do *insert activity* sometime/weekend/when you are available? The activity could be anything you may like example: taking a coffe and having a talk or just hanging out somewhere

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