I’ve always been shy and frustrated about my social life but I decided to ignore it and accept my situation. I thought that things were gonna be better during college but I missed out of oportunities because I didn’t socialized enough.
A couple of months back I ran into a Ted talk from Andrew Elsass that talks about his challenge and his take aways (his original post explaining his challenge was actually published here 9 years ago) and got interested by the project. After going through a depression I decided to try the challenge hoping to get better, honestly it is really improving my mood, I could even say that my depression is gone.
I’ve been doing the challenge for 15 days now and talked to 101 strangers, and it’s changing my life: i’m not scared to talk to strangers anymore, whenever I have to say something I can say it, now I enjoy attention, I talk easier to people that I know, my social anxiety is disappearing and i’m learning to have deeper and more spontaneous conversations.

I started the challenge with a friend. We meet every day at the same time, and we split for an hour to talk to people. We meet at the end to do a debriefig. It helps me a lot with perseverance. In my data sheet I’m only counting the conversations I had during that hour.

From the 101 conversations I’ve had, only 10 of them were good quality exchanges.

Ps. Thank you, Andrew!

  1. How do you do this challenge? Like what are you saying to random strangers???

  2. Ill have to give this a shot, as i need to work on my social skills

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