Long story short, I 26M just can’t handle the stress of my relationship 26F any more and I know that I need to break up with her. My life is way more stressful than it was before we started dating and I can’t keep living this way. The dilemma I’m facing is that we are supposed to go to the beach with her family tomorrow night or Saturday morning. I really don’t want to go at all but I feel like it’s a bad time to break up with her cause she would go on vacation with a broken heart. I know there is no good time to end things, but I don’t know if I should just suck it up and go or end it tonight when I see her. Advice would be great!

TLDR; I want to break up with my girlfriend but we are going on vacation with her family this weekend and I feel stuck.

  1. It’s never going to be a great time. But imagine going on vacation and having to put on a good face for everyone the whole time. The space away in a nice place right after the breakup might be good for GF too, and she’ll be surrounded by family for support.

  2. Just rip the band aid off. Sometimes you need to be able to do the right thing even when it’s going to hurt someone. This is one of those times.

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