Im on the spectrum and I struggle to process what’s happened clearly, making my mindset over think.
As title says, had a good friend, opened up about everything and anything, one night we slept together, everything was fine, few weeks later, nothing, next time I saw her with a friend she just spoke downley about me to her friend but loud enough for me to hear it, if I ever saw her after that which was rare she would have a bitchy face towards me.

Yet… today, I saw her after at least 2years of not seeing/bumping into each other and she says “Hey!” with a huge smile, I replied hello, hope you’re ok and carried on walking.

My mindset is now “What the hell was that about? why say hello when you clearly made it clear you despise me”. She was with noone which made it more strange for me.

Thanks for reading 🙂

  1. To NT people feigning politeness is the least awkward way to handle a situation like that. When wounds are fresh they’re more likely to let it show like you describe but after 2 years when the feelings have faded she likely felt more uncomfortable than angry upon seeing you. Sounds like you handled it perfectly by being polite back but not dragging out the interaction

  2. They other thing to remember is that there is a very high probability that she does not recall the meanness. She has very possibly blocked the memory, or, does remember, feels ashamed of her behaviour and hopes that you don’t remember.

    You are at a time in your life when people change A LOT. She may not be the person who was mean to you any more.

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