I’m curious as to what men find attractive to wear for a hookup. I’m inviting my sneaky link over and I’m not sure if I should wear pajamas, lingerie, big tshirt, or shorts? What do men find most attractive?

  1. Birthday suit goes a long way for hellos lol. But I usually prefer whatever makes her comfortable and confident, that I can also peel off with my teeth

  2. Sexy little robe and some nice lingerie. Or just the robe. And a plug.

  3. I generally like something comfy that isn’t totally shapeless that comes off easy. For fun have sexy underwear (or none depending on your style).

  4. Lingerie is always preferred.

    But most girls usually just go comfy. Oversized tee, no bra, yoga pants/sweats and a thong.

  5. Some of us like it when women make the effort to dress well. But that depends on the context, if it’s at home with shorts and a top you’d be fine

  6. When I want a guy to bang me usually I just meet him at the door nude. It has never failed.

    Edit: except for one time, but they were Jehova’s witnesses

  7. If you like him, sexy bra and panties. If it’s just a hookup, sweats and t-shirt

  8. Men don’t care what you wear. You could come to him smeared in dog feces and if you say you want to have sex he will drop his pants and bend over for you.

  9. It really doesn’t matter. I promise you he doesn’t care, and also you’re just going to take it off anyway. Like you said, it’s just a hookup. No man is going to come over to have sex, and then just change his mind and leave because you’re wearing a certain outfit

  10. Simple is better in my opinion. Don’t overthink this, you can’t really go wrong unless you insist on keeping the gorilla suit on the entire time.

  11. It’s by dude. For me you could wear nada and it would be the same as anything else. It’s all coming off anyway.

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