i’ve been dating this girl for the past 2 months now, yesterday she met my friends for the first time, after that we went home, we were having sex and she said she randomly said that she wants to have a threesome with one of my friends( not saying his name for privacy reasons), i said no and about after 15 mins she said that she wants him, i stopped and went home, did i do the right thing ?, she told me today that she was drunk and she doesn’t remember.

  1. Yes you did the right thing.

    >she told me today that she was drunk and she doesn’t remember.

    If I were you I wouldn’t trust that.

  2. She’ll end up trying to hook up with your friend. Her true colors are showing and it’s time to end things and go your own way. She isn’t the one.

  3. No matter how much you want to forget about it.
    If you do not act on those words then they will definitely come back to bite you in the ass.

  4. She’s probably just young a naive and with a few cocktails she’s saying and thinking things that she thinks sounds cool, maybe? Ask her again when she’s drunk. Also do you normally have sex with people when they are black out drunk?

  5. Drunk words are sober thoughts. She literally said she wanted someone else while having sex with you. There is no coming back from that. It’s only been 8 weeks but luckily you’ve seen her true colours early without much investment. She isn’t the one.

  6. Wow! She basically yelled at you to break up with her. Geez! You might want to let this one go. There will be much better ones down the line. Good luck.

  7. Huge red flag. Time to dip.

    The fact it was brought up in an intimate moment, with no prior communication, makes it about 10 times worse for me, personally.

  8. She isn’t mentally mature yet for a long term relationship. If you stick around you will get hurt.

  9. No, you didn’t do the right thing – you missed a step. Leave her.

  10. Don’t go back. She wasn’t drunk. She remembers. She wants him. Sorry my guy.

  11. you need to leave her! i seriously doubt something like that happened and she forgot about it, she was definitely trying to act like it didnt happen and hoping you wouldnt bring it up

  12. You did the right thing. You are incompatible if you don’t want a trio. Wish her well and move on.

  13. You did the right thing. The next best thing to do is to move on from her. She doesn’t actually want to be with you, she made it clear when she said she wants to fuck other guys.

  14. Ah listen. How people are/act when drunk can be VERY different than when sober. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t find your friend attractive, she probably does…. BUT it doesn’t mean that she’s going to cheat on you. I was good friends with a dude that I happen to find attractive physically and personality wise. I addressed those feelings with myself and then put them away because I was in a committed relationship. Nine years and a divorce (that had absolutely nothing to do with this friend… fyi) I DID chat with him about the attraction and discovered that he felt the same way, but simply ignored it because I was taken.
    So. Your gf may find him attractive. She probably has found many other guys out there attractive. It doesn’t mean she’s going to try to sleep with him or any of them. It means she was drunk. Also, you best hope your friend is a good enough buddy that he would ignore her advances if she did try to pursue anything. (And inform you of them as well)

  15. To bloody right no trust or long term future here what you got there is a Hoe!

  16. Okay I’ll be the voice against the crowd and say I’ve said some flat out lies while drunk 🤷🏼‍♀️

  17. THOT detector is pinging hard bruh. Put that trash where is belongs, on the curb.

  18. Run. I have personally had it with my current boyfriend using the ‘drunk excuse’ to get out of things he said. Like he wanted to sleep with his son’s friend (a girl). I suggest you save yourself time and trouble down the line…mine I’m 4 years deep in and forgave the first 2 times. I think it does reveal some thoughts, and who is to say if those turn into actions. If nothing else, it does keep your mind questioning things, and this internal doubt eventually erodes away at the relationship (at least in my case).

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