Considering the increasing likelihood of majority of current generation ending up bedridden with non-communicable diseases in future, what new and innovative services would you like to have to improve care for those with terminal life illnesses?

  1. Shotgun to the face.

    I won’t die in some hospital bed, full of tubes, under a flourescent light.

  2. Treating diseases is actually not the best way to give care to people at all. It’s just the most popular. Think about it. You have to take pills everyday until you die. It ensures that you’re a customer until termination, and out of *all* medicines for chronic diseases, only 10% of users report significant positive results.

    The true, most beneficial way to care for patients is prevention and wellness. A pill will never solve Alzheimer’s, for instance, because your brain cells have already atrophied. What you’d need is a time machine, because taking some preventative measures would have an actual material effect on staving off chronic diseases.

    But that doesn’t make the pharmaceutical companies any money.

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