hi guys basically i went on a date with this guy and it was amazing we hung out for 4 hours and i thought that our humor matched perfectly and there was touching initiated on both ends. we got dinner, dessert, and he walked to me to my car which was SUPER far (30 min walk away) and then when we left we hugged and gave each other a kiss on the cheek cause i don’t really kiss on the first date 🙂 we had brought up hanging out again during the date but no set plans were made, then he texted me afterwards asking if i got home safely and saying that he had a good time. he’s going abroad for the next two weeks and i had replied with i had a good time as well and hope he has a safe flight and he hearted that. no texts since then. basically my question is would a guy do all that just to be nice lol how interested do we think he is and is he actually going to follow through :0 i had already double texted bc i said i had a good time too then wished him a safe flight a good while later so triple texting is a lot

1 comment
  1. He could just be busy on his trip. Or maybe low interest. No way to know until he comes back and you can ask him for a date and see what he says

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