I just finished a book that had a LOT of sex in it. The guy is supposed to be about 40 and I know sex drive declines with age (or so I thought??). So I’m curious as to how fictional it is. Did your sex drive decline with age? How is it different than when you were younger? How often do you have sex now? Do your sessions last longer, shorter? Answer however you see fit. Thanks!

  1. I think it depends. If we live a somewhat healthy lifestyle and keep our testosterone levels in check, it will be high. But the sedentary lifestyle really reduces the libido along with eating trash etc.

  2. Sadly, the problem isn’t me, but my wife. I’m still very active and healthy and have 80% of my sexual activity I did when I was 20, but my wife isn’t. She aging, becoming more frail, and doesn’t view herself as sexy any more (after three kids and 4 decades ☹️) We’re working on it though! I will tell you the amplitude of our sex hasn’t peaked yet. It’s becoming hotter and more passionate as we age which keeps me hopeful. No worries mate, you’ll get through this like all the other men who came before you. Just be willing to talk about it and your feelings if you’re not getting what you’d like.

  3. My drive is higher than ever, unfortunately my partners isn’t. So I have to take care of myself more than I’d like. But I’ve never been hornier.

  4. It depends. I’ve hooked up with older guys in their 40s who were insatiable but also some who were good for a week or two after one round.

  5. My sex drive hasn’t gone down, as a general statement. For me, my drive and how much sex I have is fairly partner dependent. It depends on the drive of my partner, our chemistry, etc. I’m usually the one to initiate, but usually I’m in tune well enough with my partner so I only initiate when I’m confident she’d be receptive.

    My last relationship we had sex 4-6 times a week, very rough average. It varied due to stress from her work, sleep, etc. That was much more frequent than previous relationships even when I was far younger. We lived together so that helped add frequency though.

    One nice thing about hitting 40 is my sex drive doesn’t hijack my brain, and I can be fine with long periods between sex if I have to. If I’m dating a woman who I can only see on weekends as a random example, it’s much less frustrating, me in my 20’s wouldn’t be able to navigate that as willingly.

  6. I’m 60 and have pretty much the same libido and plumbing function I had at 25 to 30.

    I’d screw most everyday if I had a willing partner.

  7. My husband is 50 and his drive has always been higher than mine and still is. He is up for it multiple times a week.

    The only thing that’s changed from in his 20s is being able to go a second round right away. Which is fine with me.

  8. Turning 39 this year. The wife and I have sex about 3-4 times a week. But I could masterbate daily when she’s on her period. I workout daily, get 7-8 hours of sleep and have minimal stress in my life. When shit is going sideways….it’s hard to think about sex.

  9. It’s about your fitness levels, stamina, Ling capacity, blood pressure, and diet

  10. Mid 40 s here and still humming along. Basically 6 times a week. My gf gives me one day off…..if she had it her way, would be multiple times a day everyday.

  11. 1-2 times per week currently, have 2 young children and both wife and I have fulltime jobs.

    If children were older and work not so intense could go every night, possibly 1 or 2 mornings.

    Sex is like cocaine, the more you have the more you want

  12. I am 41 and my sexlufe is just as active as it has always been. Its actually more active right now 😂 i dont feel like my sexual activity is getting lower anytime soon

  13. There is a difference between sex drive and performance. Men still have strong sex drive late in life but performance declines. The time between ejaculations lengthens and erections aren’t as hard or reliable. You can still do a lot though. Learn from lesbians!

  14. My husband’s sex drive has actually increased with age, as has mine so it works out well.

    I’m 42, he’s 53 and we have more sex now than we did when we were 29/40 respectively.

  15. Guess it depends on the person. I’m 41 and my sex drive be on beast mode.

  16. My husband’s libido seems just as high as it was when we first got together. And he’s a very high libido person. We have sex less now, but the demands of life are different now than they were 20 years ago when we met in college. Doesn’t mean we both still don’t want it.

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