Hi everyone, I’m 26 (f) and I’ve never been intimate with a man. I know there’s nothing wrong with it and most people I’ve opened up to about it think it’s admirable but I can’t help but think men are put off by it. I’ve had one boyfriend but I hate the thought of being vulnerable like that with someone.

I’m in no rush of getting into a physical relationship but I’m putting so much pressure on myself and telling myself there must be something wrong with me guys hate but then I think that’s an unhealthy way to think about myself and it’s a low confidence thing more then anything. I’ve always hated my body too and I think these are all reasons why I’m so scared of intimacy etc.

  1. I’m male 23 years old, I have had couple relationships and couple opportunities to get sex but I didn’t took those bc it didn’t felt right. I couldn’t care less about that I’m virgin but on other hand my friends/mutuals constantly belittle men who had never had sex and seem so insecure about it, so I guess most men care, but there is a lot who don’t.

  2. some care. But as for you, has anything improved with your self esteem – what are you bothered by

  3. It’ll be a deal-breaker for some guys.

    Some other guys have a fetish for it. They put a bunch of value in a woman’s chastity and purity. They’ll prefer that you’re not “tainted”. The trouble is, do you really want to be with the type of guy who sees sex as the primary determinant of a woman’s value? They tend to be insecure misogynists.

  4. It is a positive for many guys; however you should consider being intimate with someone you are are considering a long term commitment to.

    Sexual incompatibility is important to discover beforehand.

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