What is a life lesson that you learnt too late in life?

  1. Just because someone says something that pokes at your deepest insecurity doesn’t mean that you have to take their opinion as something of merit or try to prove them wrong.
    You are allowed to just say
    Wow that’s crazy and just move on with your life.

  2. Don’t be in a relationship with women who need “saving” or don’t give back in a relationship

  3. Use your youth to build wealth and experience, stop wasting it on girls & getting smashed every weekend

    I honestly wish I spent my late teens and early 20s, working harder to earn more money, gain more knowledge & advance myself more, travel more & make memories.

    Instead I wasted it chasing women & going out on the piss.

  4. The penny finally dropped that I was transgender when I was 41.

    All the signs were there my whole life, for whatever reason though, my brain had decided early on in life that I didn’t need that information and squirrelled that and anything remotely *figuring out I’m trans* adjacent away, locked up tight. Born in 77 growing up in 80’s/90’s UK probably had something to do with that.

    All of that came crashing down when I was considering gender swapping for a fancy dress New Year’s Eve party. There were a lot of *”O, Shit”* moments and *A Lot* of “O crap, *that’s* what that was!” moments.

    Now I’m 45, almost 3 years on testosterone and I’ve literally never been more comfortable in my skin or happier in myself.

    It’s never really “too late” to do something about if you do figure that out late, but realising you’ve basically been “pretending” to be okay with who you are your whole life in your 40s (and, I imagine, your 50s/60s/70s {Yes, that does happen!}) is just fucking *wild.* (Also male puberty in your 40s. jfc. 😳)

  5. One I figured today-

    Your abusive piece of shit fat pig of a psychopathic creep of a father cannot be reasoned with. He will always be rude, arrogant, entitled and insufferable.

    Therefore, no matter how loud or stubborn he is when the immature manchild of a clusterfuck has his outbursts, do not react. Siphon his power away from him by not caring. He will soon know that his tantrums and threats will have no power. It’s time to make that obese fucker afraid and destroy his control by making him realise how worthless and redundant his existence is.

  6. Just because your parents have no friends and never care to go to any social meetups doesn’t mean it’s normal.
    It took me until my mid twenties to become aware of it, some people were already done with the exploration phase of their lifes and were getting married while I only just discovered that going out is a thing I can do.

    In hindsight, if I had moved out sooner I would have had better rolemodels, but there was never any incentive to move out.

  7. That even though you own the house if you dont pay property tax they can take it, like wtf.

  8. Men can get sexually assaulted/harassed, also plenty of women love to bully boys. Middle school was not a good time for me

  9. if someone feels like home to you, think what home was like when you were growing up

  10. Parents do stupid things just like everyone else. The only reason Mom stopped propping up your fun-times brother was because she died.

  11. Learn 10 finger typing as soon as possible. It makes working with a pc much more fun.

  12. always write down people’s birthdays. i’m going to start doing this now, with people i meet, even if they’re just acquaintances. i try my best to remember and 99% of the time, i do, but i don’t want anyone to feel how i feel right now. even the smallest of gestures can sometimes mean the world, gotta drill that in my head.

  13. Nobody gives a damn about you. Even people that care about you aren’t going to go out of their way for you. No one will ever take care of you and may not even help you when you need it, so stop looking for them to and take care of yourself.

    People will help you every once in a while, but you can never rely on or trust that they will.

  14. Always remember to CYOA

    (Not create your own adventure)

    Cover your own ass.

    The person above or below you could say something intentionally or inadvertently and it might get you in trouble. Keep receipts, keep notes, and if something happens with any legal implications, write it down. This includes getting pulled over. Notes taken immediately after a traffic stop are admissible as evidence, video too. So cover your ass, make sure if you have your name attached to something that it’s done right. Because if someone says “ohh don’t worry about X I handled that, you can just sign it” then by all means if you trust them then go for it. But always check to make sure it’s done if the axe falls on your head

    Edit: This info comes from 27 years and a couple of mistakes I’d rather not make again. As long as you cover yourself and can explain yourself to a reasonable degree, you’ll do fine.

  15. One of the most relentless, unforgiving and merciless things in this world is lower back pain!

  16. One life lesson I learned too late is the importance of self-care and taking breaks. I worked tirelessly without breaks or proper rest for years, leading to burnout and health issues. It’s important to prioritize your well-being and take care of yourself, even if it means taking a step back from work or other obligations. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take care of yourself.

  17. My life is Ooh La La by Faces. Your elders and old books have a ton of wisdom, it’s okay to fall back on them and use them… wisely.

  18. not to ‘loan’ money to anyone!..

    if I recovered all of the funds I loaned out over the decades, I wouldn’t have to work for a few years!…

  19. Don’t tell them your plans. Don’t tell them who you like and dislike. Don’t give out any unnecessary information to your fucking family members. People will fucking subconsciously sabotage and at times consciously sabotage. Your family are the last people who will respect your boundaries. Maybe I had a shit family, but it’s a lesson I’ve learned. Shut the fuck up.

  20. That it goes by incredibly fast, and the important things that you put off or avoid develop into regret that grows with passing time.

    How easy it is to lose the things you had/have to carelessness, depression, bad decision making, apathy, addiction or just shitty luck.

    Not being able to properly communicate destroys relationships, even good ones.

    Save/invest your money early.

  21. It’s rare that a woman will love you for just as you are. You must always improve yourself, court and date your spouse and never compromise on your principles and beliefs just to please her.

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