so i’ve been in a rough spot for years and finally i’m progressing as a person and trying to find myself in every sense. i recently left a relationship, but that door is still open and i’m not open to meeting any new men. i have had debilitating anxiety for years and i’m finally ready to push myself. i loveeeeee dancing and really want to just go alone and be okay with it! i don’t have money, and i found a place that i could go to tonight that lets ladies in for free and i’d be sober so i can drive home no problem. i really need advice or encouragement. thanks 🙂

  1. I’m trying to decide whether to go to a show at a club tonight after I bought tickets with friends who are likely now bailing. I love to dance, and honestly that’s all I want to do, but I have strong anxiety about going on my own.

    Tell you what, I’ll go if you go.

  2. I’m trying to decide whether to go to a show at a club tonight after I bought tickets with friends who are likely now bailing. I love to dance, and honestly that’s all I want to do, but I have strong anxiety about going on my own.

    Tell you what, I’ll go if you go.

  3. Soo be aware that woman are free in these clubs or this one for one reason hook up so do not expect to be left alone ..

  4. Thanks everyone! I will do it when I can. I’m 24 and want to move forward, but I had to move in with my mom and she’s emotionally abusive and controlling and made sure I couldn’t go. (My cars tabs are expired and despite usually letting me use her car if I need to, today she said I couldn’t and that if I drove my car I would be kicked out) so its god damn hard to move forward, but I got this. I’ll keep dancing on my owwwnnnnn

  5. So far I’ve only had good experiences when going to a club alone. Most people are busy with their friends, but the ones that talked to me have always been nice and encouraging. I’m a guy though, so I don’t know how it is for women. You could try chatting someone (or a group) up who seems nice, just to be a bit safer.

  6. I (28m) actually prefer going alone in dance/techno clubs. Getting there and going home in a group is for sure more fun, but at the club itself it’s just annoying especially on the dancefloor. No awkward “arragement” of everyone while dancing, not having to promise your friend that you just take a break and sit and you otherwise doing well, no searching for group, no searching for teammmembers.

  7. You got this. Forgive me as I’m a guy, so I have my go-to saying but, as someone with pretty bad social anxiety, your best option is just grab the night by the balls. Because once you got a grip, you are in control. A good place to practice is a local karaoke. A few “not so great singers” and you will realize every one is far from perfect, and you’re in a group of people that are willing to just have a good time without judgement. Heck, maybe you will find the pluck to belt out your favorite song.


    it’s hard and scary, but if you go you will usually find a group of people that are willing to sing their favorite song badly and have a great time doing it because most are there to have a good time.

    The best advice I can give is this… No one goes to karaoke to have a bad time.

  8. Be safe at home . Cook some good food , listen music , read some good books and go to sleep . You never need a guy or girl to feel good . Just enjoy

  9. I went to a bar alone sitting outside in the sun but nobody spoke to me so I dont think il be going to a club

  10. I would say, look at it as a learning experience, you do it to grow you do it for yourself and you do it because you only live once. In some years you will probably forget about the fact that you went there, because nothing last forever. You should do it because you, want to get as much out of life as possible and because you want to experience life fully. Not everyone choose to live life to the fullest, they dread over the regret of not risking and they suffer because they have become old, and don’t have anything they want to do.

    Choosing this for yourself is a path, to a better and healthier life where you will end up feeling fulfilled because you took the risk and probably ended up, having the best night of your life. Remember that life is just happy that you are interested in it, and it probably want to show you every amazing thing it has, almost like a child showing you it’s favourite toys. :)) so appreciate the experience and learn from it because no one lives forever!

  11. Don’t know where you live,but maybe going to 5rhythms,ecstatic dance or a barefoot boogie might be an easier experience.
    I’m sober and single,and most venues that serve booze are dull without alcohol.

  12. Go and do whatever the fuck you want in life. Don’t wait to be happy

  13. Go try the silent disco thing.. where you dance with headset.. mostly people there to dance and not bothering other people

  14. I went to a concert alone first time ever 2 months ago. I was really nervous because I’ve never gone alone and had always been with friends. It was actually pretty effing awesome. I met a couple girls there who were sweet af and we all stood together grouped by each others side the whole show. Good stuff. It was a great experience. I was so afraid because I’m shy and socially anxious but turned out to be an awesome blast

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