Do you expect anything in return for your kindness? Why?

  1. No because that would be selfish. Doing something out of kindness means expecting nothing in return

  2. *A rising tide lifts all boats. Be the tide.*

    In other words, no. I help others for my own satisfaction. For me, doing nice things for others or helping out when I can is satisfying to see their happiness in being helped. To me, expecting something in return makes it transactional and is it really “kindness” at that point?

  3. Sprinkle of kindness in return at the very least, not necessarily towards myself…just in general.

    Not that it’s a must, y’know…but it’d be nice.

  4. Being an EMT has taught me selflessness. I do not expect anything in return, even when I make kind gestures out of my work uniform. The satisfaction of knowing I made someone’s day a little bit better is a good enough return for me.

  5. No. I take pleasure in being kind, that’s more than enough. It makes me feel good to do something nice for someone else and to make someone feel good.

    I know what if feels like to hurt or feel lonely or like no one cares or have no one help me when I need it. It makes me feel good when I do something that I know could help someone feel better when they’re going through something like that.

    I like things I can do anonymously. I do really like to be able to see someone smile, but it’s not a prerequisite.

    I do spend plenty of time being an ass though.

  6. Not beeing trated like an idiot because i helped someone and did not get anything out of it.

  7. No, and I think the relationship between true kindness and any expected return is inversely proportionate such that: the more acknowledgment you think you’re due for your kindness, the less kind, and more selfish your act in fact was as an act of virtue signaling. Hence, I prefer my acts of kindness to be as anonymous as possible.

  8. No, but also yes.

    No one is entitle to my kindness and nor am I to theirs, but if they don’t return it back, mine will end up short lived.

  9. To someone who you will never see again, (random people on the street, another city, or a car that broke down in the middle of the road) that’s the selfless kindness.
    If you do to someone known, they will return it in some way, so try to make the act anonymous or secret

  10. I used to expect kindness in return for kindness. Or at least appreciation of said kindness. I’ve seen enough times where this is not the case, and I don’t expect it as much any more, or sometimes I’m even surprised if it’s given back.

  11. Not really. Just thank you sometimes. At times I’m tempted to tell people the good I do but I feel like I’m just gonna seem like in making a gain out of it

  12. If i did expect something in return it wouldn’t really be kindness in my opinion.

  13. I dont expect anything in return but because I’m generally polite and kind to everyone, my friends will defend me when someone is a dick to me. I’m very much a de-escalate type of guy and avoid arguing/fighting if I can as the way I see it, I’m either going to take them down and strangle them or I’m going to get ktfo or stabbed/shot. Friends kind of see it as a wtf moment when someone gets mad at me cus they know that I would never cause problems

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