I, 27F, went on an okay first date with a guy a few weeks back. I’m looking for something more serious. It was okay, no major red flags. I was attracted to him a bit but not majorly – not sure if it could grow in time.

He went out of town for a week or two and is now pushing for a second date. Normally, if I’m iffy about someone I always give it a second date but my job recently cut all of our hours to part-time and I have been stressing out trying to find supplemental work to pay my bills until we resume normal hours.

In the meantime, he keeps reaching out and I can’t tell if my lack of drive t to try and schedule a date is because I’m just not into him OR due to the outside stressors.

How fast can you tell if a ‘maybe’ on someone should be a ‘no’? Is it even worth trying to go out again if no immediate ‘yes’ or general excitement comes to mind? Should I just try to postpone until my money problem is solved?

  1. In the past I’ve always known after a first date if I wanted to continue things but my 5 year relationship ended in disaster so what the hell do I know 😂

  2. Sounds like you are not interested. You can force the situation if you want, but I find that doesn’t yield the greatest results.

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