So like; obviously we’re not dating, and haven’t for years now. We keep in touch here and there and of course, I help them out when I can if they are in trouble. (Because that’s just how I am, helping others–And treating others the way I want to be treated.)
But–There was a slight catch within it. While we ended things, she also wanted me to talk to her when I could and tell her if I ever dated, had sex, etc. With someone else; just in the off-chance that we ever did go down that road again together. If I ever open that door again; and vice versa. Which I’m kinda….Not really about, but thought it seemed fair considering how she’s still in my life…However….
When I saw her again and spoke to her long ago sorta recently(?); she randomly changed up while I was helping her move. And said “…I don’t think who I’m fucking, dating, etc. Is honestly any of your business.” Despite me just simply talking to her about where we stood mutually, so that there was no confusion. The only reason I mention it, is because around that time–We turned on each other’s location if there was ever an emergency. As I did with my little brother and other friends and family who are in my life.
Now I don’t check in on her like that when it comes to where she is all the time; and do a small “Check-In” Call once every blue moon, but lately…She hasn’t picked up, returned and even hung up on some of my calls. Not even some texts. (A little backstory, she moved in with her best friend co-workers recently after fighting looking for an apartment n such; so I always assume she’s either partying or just busy slammed with work) And the one time I check-in quickly; I peek at her location after its been a little while. And mid-streaming on Twitch; I see her location isn’t at her usual place wit her friends…But at a hotel far north of town. I felt…I don’t know. Mad? Conflicted? Sad? My mind only assumes the deed is being done. And I know I shouldn’t give a fuck but like–I don’t know. I feel so mixed, but I felt my heart drop.

TL;DR : My ex and I used to be in contact with eachother constantly until about a month ago. Prior to that we spoke about letting eachother know who we’re dating/Having sex with in the event we decided to get back together but she later–Forgo’ed this rule when we last saw eachother. She has not returned calls or texts of mine, and when I decide to check up on her location and see she’s not at home, but at a hotel about 30 mins. Away from her house. I feel like I shouldn’t feel anything, but it caused me to almost break down in a heartbreak and I don’t know why, nor what to do.

What should I do in this moment?

  1. Stop talking to your ex until you get over your feelings, if you are at all interested in being friends. If you want to be with your ex again, then say that. This ambiguity is not helpful.

  2. Why does anyone need to stay in touch with an ex? Stop stalking her, stop waiting to hear from her, stop wondering with whom and when she’s having sex.

    It will get better with time.

  3. >She has not returned calls or texts of mine, and when I decide to check up on her location and see she’s not at home, but at a hotel about 30 mins. Away from her house.

    I think that this is a wonderful opportunity to take a step back and disengage fully.

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