Mid 20s (f) here and I struggle so badly to maintain friendships, let alone close ones. I get over excited when talking to people and often times dominate the conversation. I’ve gotten better about interrupting, but it still happens. When it’s a topic I’m excited about or person I’m excited to see, all quiet patience goes out the window. Then afterwards I spend hours ruminating over what I said and how it was reacted to. I totally beat myself up about it. I always vow to be more quiet next time around. Rinse and repeat.
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, OCD and ASD. Unfortunately due to health issues medications are not on the table. Other health issues also limit my abilities to go out and meet many new people. I want people to want to be around and speak to me, but the amount of times I’ve been told I’m “too much” makes my heart ache. “Just be yourself and the right people will love you” is how I’ve ended up alone before.
Short of a vow of complete silence – what can I do?

1 comment
  1. Conversations are more about the flow rather than sharing information. I’m the same way, and since discovering this have left a lot of conversations feeling i could have provided more information, but then think about what others have said and how it felt for everyone.

    PYou may have a lot of passion but you can share it by with some ooos or ahhs or other fillers. Asking questions and genuinely being interested in others is a great way to keep things going, you don’t have to refer everything back to yourself, or always share the info you have. Some people may be just as passionate as you but not have the opportunity to speak up!

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