Today I (27/F) to an event and bumped into someone (27/M) who went to my school – we knew each other for 2 years whilst at school. We started talking after he said hi first and I sat near him on the bench he was sat on so I could hear him ( I have hearing loss). I was asking how he was etc and we were catching up. My friend (26/F)was sat nearby and said it seemed like I was hitting on him as I sat nearer him than my friends (not in his personal space eg touching but near enough I could hear well) but I thought I was being friendly. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable so what’s the best way of catching up without seeming like I’m hitting on someone?

TL;DR: bumped into someone from school and had a catch up – another friend thinks it seemed like I was coming onto them when I thought I was just being friendly. How do I not appear flirty?

1 comment
  1. Sitting close to someone so you can hear them is not being flirty. Don’t listen to your friend. She only saw what she saw. She knows nothing about the actual conversation or what you were feeling.

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