How do you deal with big life changes/ starting a new chapter?

  1. One thing that helps me is to remember that change brings new beginnings and fresh experiences. I find that staying positive and keeping an open mind helps me navigate these new chapters.

  2. I jump right in and get started. Occasionally, I panic once the changes start happening though.

  3. For me it’s not thinking of them as life changes. Life is full of chapters, novellas and random side stories all the time. No big deal (or I’d freak out).

  4. I know that I just have to get on with it and trust that it will take me to a better place. The only time that didn’t seem to work was when I left all my friends from junior school and spent 5 years in a senior school that I hated. However, strangely it all worked out with a career. Divorce – the worst bit was the realisation that I had not accepted the marriage was not working. The change/new chapter was amazing!

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