I have a friend that literally copies everything I do to the finest detail. It all started about 6 months after we were friends. I decided to get a summer job, and he applied to the same job. No big deal, right? Well I quit that job and left for a retail job. He quit the same day as me and found out where I applied , and got the job there as well. Questionable, but not crazy. School year comes around and he purposely switches his schedule around so we could have all the exact same classes. To top it all off, I go to a retail store nearby that pays a bit more. My friend leaves a week after I do and applied for the same position. I buy a Camaro… 9 months later he buys a Camaro as well. This isn’t even the craziest part. I say a bunch of random phrases repeatedly, he adopts the same phrases. When I try to make new friends he also tries to force himself in to befriend my friends. And this is where it gets insane. I talked to a girl in the next town over. As soon as I’m done talking to her, he basically becomes her boyfriend and this is when I put my foot down and tell him enough is enough. But now things are out of control. He had his college life after high school found out. He heard about where I was going to college and my program… completely switched his college plans to exact mine, program and everything. We will now be in college together for almost every class! Who does this?! I found a job at a local dealership without telling him in hopes of him not following me. (This friend is also very toxic obviously and I wish to separate from him). So this job was sort of my escape from him and to move on… low and behold he’s going to apply at the same place and will most likely get the job. How do I escape this? I’m trying to and I told him I’m not his friend anymore and I’m done with him but he keeps on following me and copying me, and acting like we are friends. What is the scientific explanation to this? Is he just plain crazy? Also tips on escaping this guy? Didn’t realize it was so hard to flee from idiots!

  1. It sounds like you don’t like him so just tell him to fuck off and stop associating with him.

  2. You might want to do some research on stalking. Stalkers do a lot of crazy things to be near and like their victims.

  3. Talk to your employer and say that this person follows you wherever you go and you’d like him to not be hired.

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