How did it feel like when you realized you no longer care about someone?

  1. Relieved. I feel I’m always the one who puts heart and soul into a relationship, even when I know I’m being taken for granted and the other person doesn’t care.
    When I finally get to the point that I no longer care, I can spend what little free time I have on other things, an on people who do care.

  2. Freeing.

    Long story short, I was in a really unbalanced friendship where I was the one putting in almost all the effort and was constantly ghosted. I passed by him on the street a few months later after no contact whatsoever and felt…indifferent. That was the moment I knew I had truly moved on.

  3. Shocking.

    I always fall head over heels for people, so getting over them is hard. Waking up months after heartbreak and realising… wait I didn’t think about them today. Or, I can’t remember this about them? But I used to know everything. It’s strange how time works to relieve pain.

  4. In my situation it hurt like hell because it meant a good aprt of my life was just gone and wasted on the situations

  5. Kinda came as a realisation, shocked, relieved, a literal whole new page feeling. Or when you’ve finally finished a book with an insane ending. And then just silence, and carry on with your life.

  6. Liberated. Anyone who has ever put me in a position where I no longer cared about them was bringing me down.

  7. For this one person in particular, it was a relief. It was absolute and total relief that I was no longer wasting any of my emotions on them.

  8. Numb and then I rarely truly care about others who take their place in my life which i know is bad but it is what it is. I become cold and i dont like that version of me i never like to restrict myself from loving anyone but its almost like i forget how to care because my brain tells me that it comes to an end in the most terrible way so there’s no point of taking care of it.

  9. I mean a lack of caring typically means feeling meh about someone / something right?

  10. I was angry. At him, for manipulating me for so long. At myself, for wasting so many years being blinded. I had let myself be everything else over the years: sad, lonely, desperate, happy, insecure. I had never let myself just be fucking MAD.

    As soon as I felt that anger, I knew it was finally over.

  11. If we were actually really close I never actually stop caring I just remove them from my life. That’s the shortest and most succinct answer I have.

  12. Didn’t realize an exact length of time because if I fall for someone … and even if they did we wrong … if I got to the point where I loved them… it takes me FOREVER to get over them. But one day I realized I hadn’t thought about him in a long time and that’s how I knew

  13. Surprising

    I had a friend I cared about my entire life, I would do anything for them, they were insanely close to me

    One day I realized “Holy shit they are a horrid person” and realized I stopped caring for them

    It hurt :

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