And obviously not intentionally but writers or journalists have found your post and decided to write about it?!

Are you ever worried it could happen to you?

  1. A post on one of my old accounts on r/FilmTheories ended up on some random article along the lines of “10 Facts You Didn’t Know About (This Film)”.

    I think one of my tweets once ended up on a news article, I can’t remember what about.

    I post a LOT of screenshots and behind the scenes stuff for a particular media franchise, and I’ve seen plenty of my screenshots getting used all over the web. Just find it funny whenever I spot one.

  2. More often than not it’s the opposite way round. People post stuff after reading articles in papers or on the news

  3. It happened to me. It was a daft post about something that had happened at work, it was one of many in an askreddit thread and I thought it had gone largely unnoticed but apparently not. Some Daily Mail journalist spotted it and used it as part of the headline in an article that was pretty much just reposting the thread. Thankfully no one at work seemed to notice it as they’d have 100% recognised the story I told. Narrow escape tbh!

  4. Those rags can eat shit especially the Fail/Heil, Daily Express and The Sun as far as I care, I’m not going to stop calling them out due to them being shitty.

  5. Ladbible spamed me for a few days over multiple accounts begging me to licence them a shite gta gif

  6. Yep. I posted in one of the UK subs about how to semi-automatically report spam messages and it got picked up by one. Can’t remember which one it was, either the sun or the Mail. Didn’t mention my name or give proper attribution but called me something dumb like an iPhone expert or geek or something and linked to the comment.

    I’m pretty sure I edited my comment to point out the many awful things the paper had done. It was a while ago.

  7. I’d rather not go into specifics but it was a horrible situation not on Reddit and I had them hounding me, using my name, photo, my daughter’s name and date of birth and it was from all over the world. I’ve stopped getting recognised now, but I still have loads of friend requests from hacks all over the world sitting unanswered on my face book.

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