Yep, I don’t even know what else to say. I’m stunned. And so hurt. I love and trust my bf and I thought that he loves and trusts me. I can’t believe he believes his best friend over me and I don’t understand why his best friend is lying. My bf’s best friend and I were also friends (or so I thought), and now I feel so hurt and betrayed by both of them.

The friend told my bf that when bf was away for a week, the friend came over every single night to fuck me. In reality, he didn’t even come over (I would never invite a guy over when my bf was away, even if it was his best friend). When my bf told me about this, I thought it was some sort of a joke. It wasn’t. He says that his friend has proof, but won’t tell me what. He’s heartbroken. I’m heartbroken.

As of now, my bf is not speaking to me or his best friend. I tried reaching out to my bf, but he’s ignoring me. The best friend reached out to me multiple times, but I don’t want anything to do with him..What do I do?

  1. Sounds like he’s lying to you as a reason to break up. He knows that’s a lie. He’s doing this to put the blame on you so he doesn’t have to come clean that he just wants to break up.

  2. There are only two options here.

    1. Your boyfriend was looking for a reason to break up with you and the best friend created one out of thin air.

    2. There’s more to the story and you and the best friend had a closer relationship than you’re willing to discuss.

    Either way, since your boyfriend isn’t talking to you the only way you could even potentially get this information would be to entertain the best friend’s messages. You could certainly justifiably chew him out during your chat, just make sure you’re also listening to him so you know what this alleged “proof” is.

    To be perfectly honest these boys both sound like children to me. This might be a blessing in disguise.

  3. Why are you trying to to convince him, why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t trust you and believes you did this.

  4. >He says that his friend has proof, but won’t tell me what.

    That doesn’t make any sense, why won’t your bf tell you what proof the friend has? That’s basically depriving you of defending yourself properly

    >The best friend reached out to me multiple times, but I don’t want anything to do with him..What do I do?

    Talk to the best friend and maybe get him to confess to the whole thing and record it. Ask him why he’s lying, say things like I always thought of you as friend etc.

    It shouldn’t be that hard to proof he wasn’t visiting you, especially because he says he was there every night. Check his location. You can bring up other things you were doing during the week with other people to show that this guy wasn’t here.

    But I don’t like how your bf isn’t giving you a chance to clear your name and just straight up believed something ludicrous like this man visited you every night.

  5. You definitely need to talk to the “best friend” and ask for the proof he has.

  6. Don’t ever underestimate the manipulation power of people. Its very much possible that your bf wanted to break up with you and made made this up to make you feel guilty as an easy way out. Maybe you have something against him, so he can’t risk breaking up with you straight up, or maybe he thinks you’re too sensitive and thinks this would be less painful for you. A second possibility (less likely) is that the best friend wants to date you and created the whole story to split you guys up.

  7. Maybe the bf cheated on OP while away and using his best friend and the cheating bs to end your relationship with him looking like the victim.

  8. My advice is to leave it like that. I smell an excuse to break up. He obviously didn’t love you. Move on and someone better will come

  9. Text the “friend” and say “why the hell do you want to talk to me, it’s bad enough you lied to my BF and told him we slept together. Have you got no shame?” Then go back and forth via text and get him to admit to his lies, why he did it and what “proof” he gave him.

    Then see your BF the old fashioned way, go to his house or where he works and tell him “I don’t care if we get back together or not but I want to prove to you I didn’t cheat” and then show him the text messages.

  10. If the best friend is trying to reach out to you, why don’t you answer him and see what he has to say? That’s the first person I’d want to talk to, I find it wierd your ignoring the only one who has any answers?

  11. Talk to the best friend and ask him exactly what was said. Everything feels off about this. I think your bf is lying

  12. This may not be the best route, but if you happen to live in an area with one-party consent laws, you could reach or to his friend and confront him while recording the conversation. See if he’ll explain his reason for lying, then you could present the recording to your bf. I want to stress, please familiarize yourself with the law regarding this type of action where you live before taking this route.

  13. Does your bf’s friend happen to have Google Maps Timeline turned on? If so, it would be very easy to prove he wasn’t there because it would show his timestamped location history.

    You can check it here:

  14. I’m so sorry you’ve been treated this way. It sounds like a sting. Unless you’d wonder the rest of your life, I’d go NC with both males. Your ex BF doesn’t deserve proof of your innocence, and his friend is a lying b-word.

    I’d pick myself up and get on with my life, a life that is vastly improved by the absence of these immature twits.

    🌞”A life well lived is the best revenge.”🌞

  15. When the best friend tried to contact you, all you can say to him is ‘Why did you lie to (bf’s name)?’

    That’s it. Keep saying that. Or ‘You (jerk!) Why did you lie to my bf! What the f— is your problem?’

    Maybe your bf just wants an ‘out’ too. That’s why he’s more than happy to just not want to listen to your side.

    If he doesn’t believe you, this is meant to be. You shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t trust/believe what you say.

  16. OP you should just forget both of these losers. If you wanted to scare the bejesus out of this lying so-called best friend he has, you could start talking to your boyfriend about the legal ramifications of best friend slandering your reputation defaming you, and if more people have heard about this, you could bandy about the idea to get a reaction that you’ll take best friend to court. If they’ve told other people, half your town by now, could be thinking that you are a cheat, a liar, disloyal. You could tell your hopefully ex-boyfriend that you are consulting a lawyer about this and you might sue for damaged reputation, slander – and see what reaction that gets out of them. If this accuser of your associ has evidence but won’t tell anybody what it is, tell them that to clear your good name. You’re going to want to hear about this in court. If they are lying as a suspect, they are just even the mention of this possibility should be enough to spook them. You deserve a better boyfriend. You deserve a graveling apology and you deserve to let people know you’re being framed.

    Like so many other here, I smell either a manufactured reason for a breakup that your cowardly boyfriend is too dishonest to just break up with you, or as definitely happens, this so-called best friend is a manipulative liar who’s causing trouble for his own end. Either way I think your best off out of this relationship anyway.

  17. Well I only see two reasons for what happened. Either your BF lied and wanted to break up, or his bestfriend likes you and wants to be with you so he broke you up and now he is contacting you.

    Well you choose how you want to do now but if you want your BF back you maybe should talk to bestfriend and try to get proof.

  18. Nothing in this story makes sense- move on with your life. Don’t spend another second on it, it’s a waste of your time.

  19. You tell your bf via text or letter that his best friend is lying, and if he doesn’t take you at your word to not even bother coming back and groveling when he realizes his friend is lying. Give him three days to get to the bottom of the lying and to apologize or he can lose your number forever. Then hold your line.

  20. “The best friend reached out to me multiple times, but I don’t want anything to do with him”

    Talk to him

    Reasonable chance you find out he has no idea what you’re talking about because your boyfriend is lying

  21. Send him a simple text:

    “It’s not true. Try to get details (time and place) and maybe my Google maps tracking or something will be able to prove he’s lying.”

  22. I’d say

    “Well if your friend fucked me i didn’t consent so should i start pressing charges for rape?”

    See how quickly he says “i never touched her!”

    Is seriousness tho… I think your bf cheated and did this to break up with you and make you look like the bad guy. But I’m telling you, see how quick the story changes when you bring up rape.

    (I’m not saying op should make actual false claims of rape. I’m saying he will stop lying about fucking her if he thinks he’s about to go to prison and have his life ruined over this)

  23. You do NOTHING. Because you’ve done NOTHING WRONG. If your BF believes you cheated and “has proof” but won’t talk to you about it he’s an idiot. If he has such terrible friends, he’s an idiot. Do you want to date an idiot?

    Now, understand things from his side. IF all this is true (and I’m betting there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes because this all sounds highly dysfunctional). He’s just been presented with “ proof” his GF cheated from a so called friend. Give him a chance to not be an idiot, see if he can work out
    he’s being played. But it’s on him to realize that, don’t try and convince him.

  24. You don’t, it’s his word against yours and he Choice to believe him. If you don’t have any evidence I don’t see how….

    Should you want to be with someone who doenst believe you, is another question entirely.

    I also don’t get why the best friend reaches out to you, I can only think that he wants to be with you. But I just don’t get why he would break the two of you up with that kind of lie. It makes zero sense

  25. One of two things happened here: his bff is building an art room for him (or you). Or he spent that week with someone else and left you for her.

    Either way, ild block them both and move off

  26. Block them both on everything and walk the fuck away. Your boyfriend doesn’t trust you and now what’s the point even if he took you back how would you trust him?

  27. So best friend wanted to break you two up and now best friend is trying to contact you? Not hard to see what is going on here.

  28. Send best friend, a text message stating “I’m pregnant and it’s yours.” Then he would reply “that’s impossible we never had sex.”
    You can show that to your boyfriend to prove that he was lying to him about it.

  29. Instead of asking how you convince him that his best friend is lying ask yourself why you would want to be with a man who automatically assumes that you did.

  30. I would connect with the bf and record AND have a friend nearby or posted up for back up. Pick up one of those calls

    When you have the proof send it to your ex and don’t get back with him

  31. Have a conversation with the best friend and record it. Ask him why he lied to your boyfriend about sleeping with you. Tell him no further discussion will ensue unless he answers that question first.

  32. ask your boyfriend to ask his best friend about any looks on your body or privates. any mole, mark, or even shape down there. anything your bf would know and not other person

  33. Do people not watch movies anymore? The best friend calls her multiple times after the breakup and no one thinks that clearly the bff has held a flame for OP and broke them up to get with OP? It was obvious from the start when he came up with this outlandish lie out of no where.

  34. Out of 3 people, at least one is lying hard. If it’s his friend and your bf chooses to believe him without even listening to you & talking it out, you’re the better person and should not persue/convince either of them. He’d need to apologize to still have a chance with you.

  35. Yeah I would ask the friend why he did such a thing if he did. I mean I’d love to know what the proof is considering you say you didn’t do it. Only thing I think is the friend wants you two broken up. Is the friend in love with your boyfriend? Has your boyfriend ever said he’s bisexual? Does the friend even like you and that’s why he wants to get rid of you? There’s a million things. I would definitely tell him I’ll obviously you don’t believe me I would never cheat on you and I never have and I certainly wouldn’t do it with him if I ever did. Same fine if you’re going to accuse me of this I want to see what this supposed proof is since I didn’t do it. If he pulls out like a pair of your underwear then obviously he probably took it one time when he was over there.

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