EDIT: im a 21 year old guy and i’ve never really experienced sexual dysfunction before this :/ would really appreciate some advice

hey as the title suggests, I’ve been having trouble staying hard lately for some reason. when i masturbate my dick feels it only reaches 75% of the length and girth that it normally does. i was going to hook up with somebody but my erection went away after a little while and then i just felt sort of ashamed/bad about myself.

For context, i’ve been taking bupropion for months now and haven’t had any sexual side effects until now. That antidepressant isn’t supposed to affect libido negatively.

I still have the desire to have sex and to masturbate but it feels like my dick doesn’t get fully hard so it just doesn’t feel right. It’s not incredibly appealing to do sexual things when you can’t really get fully hard.

In the past few weeks I did masturbate maybe twice a day which is a lot for me so I wonder if that was too much for my body. But now i only go every other day at most.

Any advice? I’m starting to date someone now and this has made me so self-conscious that it’ll keep happening when we try to have sex again :/

tl;dr not getting fully hard lately not sure why, could be antidepressants but they have never affected me before and i’ve been taking them for months.

  1. Relax. You are ok. You may want to see a urologist about this to rule out any physical issues. Do not go pee before going to your appointment. Chances are they will want a sample. I made this mistake this week.They should also be able to review your medications to determine if those could be causing problems.

    From there it is a headspace issue. Not sure how to help there.

  2. From my personal experience, the more one thinks of wanting to get an erection, the more it goes flaccid. The way to go is to stop thinking about it. Secondly, I recently started doing reverse kegel and it has worked wonders.

    When you lie on your back, take a few deep breaths and relax. Focus on the point just underneath the balls. Observe whether the muscle set down there running all the way from there to the anus, are relaxed or tightened. Loosen them up as much as you can. I have observed that when stressed or going through performance anxiety I tend to absentmindedly tense those muscles. Ever since I started relaxing those muscles consciously, my erections have been touching the roof!

  3. I’d definitely rely on a doctor cause there are too many variables that can lead to poor erection quality, I do know It’s quite rare for a 21 year to lose EQ so I’m leaning more on your prescriptions or even just regular health supplements outside daily vitamins.

    Can you walk backwards and identify when it started happening and what have u been taking recently?

  4. It could be the meds. Erectile disfunction is a long term side effect of many antidepressants, you don’t get it immediately. I would talk to your doctor about it, it’s common so he’ll know what to do

  5. I am 21 and had an experience similar to this when I was around 18. Stressing about ED will make ED happen. At our age I swear it’s just a mental game unless you are drunk or off drugs. You’ll get ur mojo back, don’t sweat it. Just relax

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