I’ve know this person online for around a little more than a year and we’ve been dating for 6 months. At first everything was perfect but about a few months ago he started becoming more vague. If I ask him something basic like “what’re you doing?” He’ll say something like “I dunno” or “nothing” or He’ll kinda just brush off the question. Whenever I ask again he gets a bit defensive about it. I confronted him about it around 2 months ago and I told him that it makes me sad since he just won’t tell me things for the sake of not telling me things. He said that he likes to be ambiguous sometimes and that it makes him feel good when people don’t know what he’s doing all the time. I don’t go over the top asking him what he’s doing 24/7 but whenever I do “I don’t know” or “nothing” is the more often than not the response.

Sometimes he’ll just be playing a game but a most of the time I just go without knowing which makes me sad. I understand that he might like some ambiguity but I feel like since we’re dating I should get some sort of an exception.

Aside from that and the occasional disagreement everything is perfect. I love him but it really really makes me sad when he just decides to withhold the most irreverent things for no reason.

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