I (f29) have been casually hooking with my friend (m28) for 7 months. Everytime we hook up I give him head as I enjoy it and feel like I am goos at it, and he loves it. Last time we hooked up…. I was in the zone…. giving him mind blowing head. It was great! Well, I was so into it, gagging and all, I gagged too hard and spit up / slightly vomited on his leg/dick. I caught most of it and none of it got on the bed. But I was mortified. He quickly picked me up and we showered together, where he tried to keep the sex going but I was too embarrassed. He was really nice about it and trying to comfort me. But still yikes. This has never happened to me!!! Was this hot?? Is this normal??? Is this a deal breaker??? Help!!

  1. I mean everyone is different so maybe ask him to meet not for sex but just to talk about it if he understood the situation and wants to keep going go with it but if he feels like the situation was a dealbreaker you gotta talk to him to know it’s over

  2. Probably not hot but not a deal breaker at all. Fucking somebody’s til they puke is kind of awesome. But overall if a hole is letting your dick in you can’t get stupid about the hole having a little hiccup, in this case literally. Only the douchiest of douches would be turned off to a person completeey if they throatfucked them to puketown.

  3. Talk to him about it, it’s an awkward situation, tell him that it was good and snuck up in you and you don’t want it to change anything, he *should* say the same, have good sex (maybe avoid out for a bit, but after a figurative minute, bring it back in)

  4. I can tell you from experience he’s okay with it. I know this is not the best situation but he will find it cute/flattering that you tried so hard that this happened. He handled the situation well and the next time you two can move on from this as it never happened. Maybe next time don’t go that deep 😉

  5. As a dude, is this something you wish to happen no, but damn if nothing else its a bad ass story to tell the golfing buddies one day haha. You only ruined it if YOU cant get over it imo

  6. It doesn’t sound like a deal breaker to him, it sounds like he did his best to try and reassure you that it was fine via his words and actions and you need to believe him.

  7. I think he had a sweet reaction. I don’t think anyone would find it hot but he cares enough about you that he didn’t mind while being mature enough to understand it can happen.
    Some oopsie doopsies always happen and it’s alright! I’d even say some oopsie poopsies happen during anal, but people survive.
    Just act as if nothing happened next time. It’s truly no big deal!

  8. I’ve been deep throating with my husband and full blown threw up on it. I was very embarrassed, we showered, I brushed my teeth, later in the night we did have sex but he’s pretty unfazed by things and even said it’s nice too know how dedicated to it I was haha still have never gone that hard again though. Talking about it could make it better or maybe just pretending it didn’t happen too. Goodluck.

  9. If you’re doing anal, expect poop.

    If you’re gagging on a cock, expect a little reflux…

    It happens. If you’re super uncomfortable about it, bring it up in conversation. But it sounds like, from the way you described his reaction, he’s a good guy and he’s not going to ditch you over this. He’s honestly probably a little proud of himself for being “big enough” to make that happen.

  10. Haha yes, totally Normal. Idk if you’ve noticed but if you put a finger deep enough into your throat for a few seconds you will completely vomit, so it’s the exact same here, it was just too deep in, and that’s okay. I know some people who have completely vomited on the d haha

  11. Hot?? No… but definitely not a deal breaker. Sex can be messy sometimes… just like life. Id just relax and let it go.

  12. I’m a chronic vomiter at this point. Especially if I eat a lot of candy beforehand so try not to do that but. Sometimes you just can’t help it. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ sex is messy… arguably the messier the better lol. Embrace that shit wholeheartedly. I’m sorry you couldn’t enjoy yourself afterwards though. Hopefully you can next time 😁

  13. Nah. Not at all
    And ask yourself, what would happen if you inserted a long hard object into his mouth to his throat? He would probably throw up too

  14. Showering together is a great bonding experience. I suspect if he was mortified, he’d send you to the shower by yourself. It’s not a deal breaker. Go easy on yourself. Stuff happens, and how either of you react says a lot about you both. Hang in there. It sounds like he was pretty understanding.

  15. I have full on puked on my man’s dick because he likes to go deep and enjoys making me gag. I literally kept going with regurgitated pistachio ice cream on himself lmao sex is messy, we’re human and sometimes shit happens. Just shake it off 🙂

  16. That’s nothing. Wait until you get shit on his cock! Turns out even that washes off with water.

  17. This whole intentionally gagging and almost vomiting forced blowjob shit is only a thing because of modern porn, and it’s meant to be degrading to the woman. it’s kinda sad that women think this is how you’re supposed to do it for men to truly appreciate it.

  18. Hot? No. Wrong word completely.

    Turned off by it? Nope. Not at all. Hence the attempts at sex in the bathroom.

    It’s one of those, funny gross things that happens. In a month it will just be a joke between the two of you.

    He doesn’t care at all.

  19. I’ve done this too! Sex is messy, embarrassing at times but I bet he loved it, and he’s probably patting himself on the back that he’s so big he made you gag and throw up.

  20. He is fine with it. It’s only in your head that it’s such a mortifying experience. I’m sure it was, but it’s obvious he didn’t mind, was concerned, and not turned off at all, lol. Sounds like a great Fwb. Might want to think about upgrading him. He actually sounds like a cool dude.

  21. Puking out of the mouth is the equivalent of queefing out of the vagina , embarrassing a bit yeah but what happens during sex stays in sex. Too sweet the way it went down after and gotta say, quite visual you gave….sounds like u got awesomely carried away. When u r old and in a rocking chair, u can say ‘i once sucked a guys dick so good I puked’ and he can say ‘i once had a girl get so into sucking my dick she made herself puke’, win win

  22. So here’s the deal on these porny style BJs. It’s certainly a genre. Some people really get into it. Wear cheap mascara that runs easily. Do them on empty stomachs, so you can keep going over and over again. It will be a messy BJ, but not with vomit.

    Think about if this is something you want or find attractive. Talk to your FWB outside of sex and ask if porny gag filled BJs is something they actually like. Play if up and have dinner after sex.

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