The story starts by my friend suggesting I see this guy ( she met him off tinder 😑) but she said he had reminded her of me so much. We exchanged instagram information and he dm’d me his #. We hung out and we both agreed we loved the time spent. After hanging out I got this random message on instagram from a burner account saying he was a liar,cheater, and thief! The thief thing surprised me because I do know he has money. My question for you guys is, do I tell him a random account messaged me or do I not tell him?

1 comment
  1. Yes.
    You know this person.
    An anonymous stranger is talking about them
    That you didn’t just text them and tell them from jump
    Is so curious to me.
    Wouldn’t you want to know if someone was
    Casting shade on you with him?
    I would just tell them. And if something is sketchy
    Their response is probably going to help you figure that out.

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