As we all know, many major brands have been reducing the quality of their products over the past few years whilst still trying to pass them off as being as good as ever – Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, Hunters wellington boots, apparently even Bosch windscreen wipers.

Are there any brands left which haven’t done so and are still the same quality as they’ve always been?

  1. Special Brew … I’ve been shitting myself daily after 6 cans on a park bench since 1987 without fail ..

  2. Who Gives a Crap toilet roll, I switched to them after other manufacturers started loose rolling and using larger diameter cores.

  3. I said this when the same question was asked recently, but Red Bull. One of the only soft drinks that hasn’t changed their recipe to include sweeteners, and the price has only gone up a few pence.

  4. Fairy liquid – everything else lasts 1/2 the time even bigger bottles. Fairy still as good as ever. Not much to get excited about tho

  5. I second the Bosch windscreen wipers, my current set have last half the time of the previous set.

  6. Most brands that compete on quality rather than price. Definitely no change in quality in any of my favourite whiskies.

  7. The East Asian car manufacturers. Hyundai & Kia are getting better all the time with (adjusted for inflation) relatively modest price rises. Toyota are as good as they ever were. Nissan hit a bit of a rough patch but they still generally make a reliable car depending on what you buy.

  8. Kirkland. The Costco Kirkland banded goods!

    Food, drink, household goods, cleaning, alcohol, Kirkland anything and everything out guns, punches above its weight and offers great value with no compromise

  9. Nivea – I mainly use their shaving gel, shower gel and deodorant. Even the wee tins of moisturiser still smell great.
    They have a good range and reasonably priced compared to other brands.

  10. Sudocrem. I am a die hard fan, it works for pretty much everything skin related.

    Burned? Sudocrem. Scratches? Sudocrem. Cut? Sudocrem. Rash? Sudocrem. Lasts forever, never needs advertising, still reasonably priced and just an all round miracle cream!

  11. Stanley. I find their tools very reliable and their flasks still have lifetime guarantee.

  12. Aldi whole nut chocolate bars every time i buy one they seem to have more in

  13. Ben & Jerry’s and Pringles. Expensive as ever when they’re not discounted though.

  14. Miele for Vacuum Cleaners – never buy Dyson crap.

    Tumi for luggage and backpacks – expensive but very good quality.

    Private White VC – high quality premium Streetwear and mens wear.

    Arket – elevated basics for men and women. High quality materials and construction.

    Nudie Jeans – long term guarantee and free repairs for high quality denim.

    KEF – speakers. Love their stuff and great customer service and support.

  15. Probably all Single Malts have stayed the same. The decline in Sherry being a regularly consumed drink is having major consequences for distilleries though and they’re now having to produce Sherry which is then thrown away just so they can have the casks in order to keep producing their signature tastes. This might end up changing the tastes and quality of the products in the future of the ones you like are aged in Sherry casks

  16. I can’t tell the difference with dairy milk, it still tastes the same to me.

  17. Lowa hiking boots. I’ve been wearing them ever since I was a wee lad, and I still do pretty much exactly one year with one full-time pair. For the record, that’s 5+ km a day on mostly hard surfaces, which is considered great durability for hiking boots.

  18. I remember the days when one sheet wasn’t enough. Progress is a wonderful thing

  19. I’d say Hollands meat and potato pies. They used to be a soggy mess with no filling and quite cheap, 2 packs of 4 for £4 or three abouts. Now prices have gone up the amount of filling has too and there seems to be more fat in the pastry. I do t mind payi g the Inflated prices.

  20. Marks and Spencer Fruit and veg.

    Which is more than I can say for Watirose, which is no on par with Asda.

  21. Not a brand but Gokyuzu restaurants in London still sell the same, mouth watering ribs that they used to before; albeit at double the price now.

  22. Weetabix. Apart from getting rid of the mini banana Weetabix, they have kept the quality up all this time.

  23. tunnocks, broken biscuits to my knowledge, and yorkie bars don’t seem to have changed.. maybe i’m just unobservant though

  24. Saucony trainers, current pair I bought recently seem to be as good as ones I bought years ago

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