Strange question, I know.

I’m sleeping with a woman who is currently on birth control, and we have been sleeping together for the better part of two months. Although she is protected, I still don’t feel comfortable ejaculating inside of her.

Last night while we were having sex, I used the withdrawal method, but right before I felt myself get ready to cum, I felt the sensation of something leaving my penis. I pulled out, **AND THEN** continued to have my full, normal orgasm. I’m in my mid 20’s and have had orgasms my whole life, obviously. I don’t ever recall once actually cumming, and having legitimate semen come out before my “main” ejaculation.

My question still remains, is it possible that actual semen, NOT pre-cum, can come out of your penis before the actual main ejaculation? Or does all sperm come out during the main orgasm?

  1. Absolutely. There can be semen in the precum as well which can lead to a possible impregnation. This is the reason why the pull-out method is not sufficient contraceptive method. And that’s not only the case right before you ejaculate. Also the very early precut can continue semen.

    Just be smart and DON’T USE THE PULL-OUT METHOD!

  2. Yes. If you’ve ejaculated previously in the day then pre cum will contain semen. If you haven’t ejaculated in a day or two there is no semen

  3. Yes, especially if you’re trying to hold off from orgasming. You may have a little mini-ejaculation. And hell… for what it’s worth… treat pre-cum just as you would orgasm fluids. All those main risks associated still stand either way.

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