I’d argue he’s quite underrated. He was on the British Masked Singer and all the panellists recognised him yet on social media some people were strangely quite confused and didn’t know who he was (yet instantly knew who Joss Stone was – I do love Joss as well).

For a 3-time Grammy winner and MOBO winner, I’m slightly staggered at how few people in the UK (particularly in my age range, I’m 18 male just for the record) seem to recognise or appreciate Ne-Yo.

  1. He’s a pop artist, back in the day when he was in the charts had probably a little smaller but was current and very popular at one point in time, and people from that generation can recall the songs. Interns on long term die hard Neyo fan base, I’m not sure that’s really a thing. I’d probably say he wouldn’t sell out a massive uk concert but if he’s relevant again would do like radio appearances or like capital summer ball.

  2. My other half guessed him, so he’s at least popular in my house, although not with me (I did / do know who he was though, and we were both amazed to see him on it).

  3. 36 – No idea who that is.

    I’m going to guess he’s R’n’B, because every other genre I usually know people, even if I don’t like them.

  4. I’m 37 (M) and I quite like Ne-Yo personally got a few of his songs on my Spotify, I remember him collaborating with Rihanna who was big at the time but guess he’s sort of faded into the background a bit now.

  5. I think R&B in general is nowhere near as popular as the US. I think rock and EDM derived genres are more popular whist in the US rap derived genres seem to dominate.

  6. I’m 25 and all I know about him is that he did a briefly but intensely popular song with Pitbull around 10 years ago. I couldn’t pick him out of a lineup, and see him as one of those artists who provides unmemorable features for bigger artists. I had no clue he’d won Grammys and I don’t know how popular he is in the US.

  7. Only song I remember is miss independent. To me he’s sort of like Iyaz (the song reply) that everyone listened to the same song over and over again until they got bored to be never heard of again. This post has made me feel old now

  8. I’m 47 and have vaguely heard of him. My 24-year-old daughter had never hard of him though.

  9. He got a lot of bad press about his personal life ..the story is he talked his wife into getting sterilised after they had their kids because he didn’t want more , she did , he then had an affair , got the girl pregnant and went on to have more kids , I think his wife tried to sue him

  10. Don’t recognise any of his songs from the past 10 years or so, and probably wouldn’t know his face. I’m 26 and probably most people in my social circle would recognise a few of his songs but wouldn’t necessarily have a clue who he was.

  11. I can remember him from about 15 years ago. He did a song with Kanye that was good.

  12. “The panelist’s all recognised him”

    It’s almost as though, on The Masked Singer, the panelist’s have a list of who the contestants are before they are revealed…. Just saying.

  13. I think he is underrated, but then I’m a fan of his when he came out in 2005. I think most people would recognise his big hits. He is an amazing song writer as well. Shame we don’t hear too much about him these days compared to other artists

  14. I know the Beautiful Monster song but I wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a line up. I’m 33.

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