We’ve only been on a few dates (4) but we’ve hooked up a couple of times now.

It seems to me that there’s good sexual chemistry, but that COULD be one sided, I’m not quite sure. but I *love* this guys dick. I’m not even sure how I feel about him but I definitely love the dick. It was such a nice surprise when I took it out, it’s perfect, symmetrical, girthy, smooth, like…beautiful. Like it was hand sculpted by artisans. the most attractive dick I’ve personally ever seen, and I’m no spring chicken (early mid thirties).

I’m going through something sexually…I’m in turbo mode unlike any other period of my life. I’m just horny af all the time. I think it’s cause I’ve lost a good little bit weight recently so in addition to having more energy overall, I feel good about myself and I have noticed a uptick in my sex drive at the same time…

Anyways, back to this dick. I was blowing it and spacing out like it was a pacifier when…idk what came over me (ha! Pun intended) but for the first time in my life I just started rubbing it all over my face. Like cheeks, eyes, lips, forehead. I probably looked kinda crazy. He honestly looked a little…surprised. Maybe confused? for a second we locked eyes I felt kinda embarrassed. But then I just looked away and forgot about the rest of him. He didn’t stop me…

Is that a lil…much? I’m sure it sounds great, but irl, it’s a different thing, of course. And remember, it’s not like I’m a well established relationship. Its actually in a weird haze of I kinda know him but also, don’t at all.

  1. No. He will probably remember it for the rest of his life and you should probably talk about it. Sounds like he had a great time and he probably thinks the same.

  2. Only he can answer that. That said, I’m not sure that I’ve ever met a man who would dislike a woman acting like she loved his cock.

  3. > Is that a lil…much?

    Juuust right. Imagine a guy was giving you head, was clearly into it, and just started rubbing his face around in your vag.

  4. Enthusiasm is the key ingredient to any great blowjob. I can’t speak for him, but I personally would find that extremely hot.

  5. I mean I do this to my husband all the time because I feel the same way about his dick. He loves it. Can’t imagine any man being like… ehhh nooo thanks. But explain how turned on you were and ask him if he was into it or not.

  6. That sounds amazing, but I’d probably have a pretty stunned/deer in the headlights look on my face if that happened to me purely because I wouldn’t have ever expected it to happen to me irl lol. Seems like a porno fantasy.

  7. That’s what I love. My gf does it on her lips and face when I get too thick for her mouth. She’s always telling me how beautiful my dick is and how she loves it. She’s seen many because she is a nurse, so I feel special. 🤣

  8. As someone who loves BJ, I would very much like that. For me it’s one of the hottest things when my GF gets really into it and do stuff like that. I don’t know about him, but I think it’s safe to assume he at least felt good by having you worship his dick like that, maybe he was just surprised by it.

  9. In the moment: ” huh, that’s kind of weird, what’s she doing?”

    After the fact: “of my god, that’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my fucking life!”

    That would have been my reaction. I’m guessing he just hasn’t had anyone do that before, but as others have said, I would imagine most guys would love that you were so into it.

    I’m kind of like you in that – with the right person – giving oral sex is my favourite thing to do and I get ‘lost in the moment’. People recognise how much you want to please them, and they appreciate it / helps them lose themselves in the pleasure. Just keep doing what you’re doing

  10. I cannot imagine he wouldn’t love that. Men love when you worship their dick lol

  11. After reading this i realized im really missing out lol. I think that man you were with probably really enjoyed it but everyone is different so maybe u can bring it up somehow and ask what he thinks?

  12. He’s the only one who can answer that but that boils down to A LOT of enthusiasm on your part, and that’s honestly the #1 I look for in a bj. I don’t care if you’re dragging teeth and bending shit funny ways, if you are having a blast down there, I’m enjoying it. If it were me, I’d be jazzed, if a little caught off guard/starstruck initially. He’ll have to speak for himself tho.

  13. I can’t speak for him but I sure do fantasize of having my cock loved like that lol

  14. That is hot as hell. I do that to girls too when I’m really into it; I love smearing my hard cock all over a girls pretty face.

  15. For me I would take it as either A- you really, really, really like me and want me, or B- you are a straight freak in the sheets lol, either way I’d be quite happy regardless and hope you do it again lol. But hey if he don’t complain, I’m sure he liked it and just wasn’t sure how to react to it completely.

  16. I think he loved that. Which man wouldn’t love to see a girl worshipping his dick?

  17. “Anyways, back to this dick.“

    Omg I died. Amazing.

    Talk to him. Ain’t no guy who disapproves of his dick being worshipped.

    A previous GF looked at my dick after sex one time, made the “hands in the air religious person pose where the clouds part and light shines down” and made that *ahhhh!* sound. Little weird? Maybe. But core memory and I fucking loved it.

  18. >I’m going through something sexually…I’m in turbo mode unlike any other period of my life. I’m just horny af all the time. I

    Girl, same. I’m in the same age range as you – I had an.older partner tell me it’s the female sexual peak, but that guy was full of shit, so who knows. I’m just enjoying it while it lasts lol

    >I just started rubbing it all over my face.

    My husband LOVES that. Specially if I tap it on the side of my face (like a light dickslap lol). Your guy is younger, so he probs haven’t seen that happening yet – even if he didn’t like it much, I’m sure he appreciated your enthusiasm

  19. He was probably surprised because he’s never experienced that before but I doubt he didn’t like it. Bring it up, talk about it. I think I’m general people don’t really feel comfortable talking about sex but it’s obviously a total normal part of life. Every time I think about people who are together and don’t talk about sex it makes me think, y’all probably both want to explore some awesome, kinky shit but are missing out because of lack of communication. You never know, you might uncover something in him that blows both of your minds.

  20. Omg OP I’m sorry but this is hilarious and not like you should be embarrassed just that you found a cock so perfect you felt the need to rub it all over your face… 😆 that’s so awesome… I mean if a guy was clearly in love with your pussy and rubbing it all over his face I’m pretty sure you’d be just fine with that. I wouldn’t worry about it.

    Also, I’m a woman and thought this was hot AF 🤷🏻‍♀️

  21. I’d far rather have a partner that gives enthusiastic—but maybe a bit odd—blowjobs, over one who gives boring, repetitive blowjobs.

    Enjoy spacing out on that dick. Just make sure you let him know it’s the best cock you’ve ever seen, and it’s made you a little loopy.

  22. That’s pretty fucking hot if you ask me. Whenever she goes into “pornstar mode” on me during a BJ I’m a hot fucking mess. She’ll spit on my cock, choke on it, rub it on her lips…whatever she wants. Its AMAZING.

    If he’s got a problem with what you did then there are a million guys out there who’d let you do whatever you please.

  23. Girl – I’m 36F and I’m going through something right now, too. I’m horny AF. The guy I’m with… I’m *in love* with his D. I rub it all over my face, slap my face with it, never want to stop sucking it. He’ll ask if I want him to fuck me and I’m like “no, I’m gonna keep sucking.” 😂

    Idk about your guy, but my guy loves it. He feels like I worship his dick (because I do) and he can’t get enough. We aren’t in a relationship, so there aren’t even feelings involved.

    I can’t imagine your guy didn’t like what you did, but maybe at some point find a way to tell him that you *only* act like that with him because his D is special to you. Might help if he knows he’s the only one who gets you excited like that….

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