Referring to online and the mechanism of swiping on profiles; presenting pictures of oneself. Beauty is subjective, so the ‘everyday’ man is folks who aren’t Brad Pitt, and could be labeled ugly or unattractive, whether they truly are ugly or just middling. I’ll preface this with saying I met the loml through an app called Wizz (yes I know it’s technically not a dating app, and yes I am rather young lol). Sadly, she left me. All-in-all, you’d have to possess a degradation kink. You genuinely are subjecting yourself to bullying. Its sad because I have balls of steel, but I’ve seen it be done to others as well and they do not take it so lightly. Besides the name-calling and other things of the likes, you can just see by the numbers released by platforms, men open these apps to nothing, if not the responses to their pleas for attention with scalding rejections. Why, exactly, do they continue to do this? I just don’t understand even partaking in the matter.

  1. Because being with someone who loves you just as much as you love them is the best feeling in the world. Not to mention having tons of sex is a plus lol

  2. Rejection isn’t a big deal, not everyone will like me. I’ve never had to deal with name-calling or anything even close to that with online dating.

    I’m far from “brad Pitt” looks wise, but I still think the rewards far outweigh the risks.

  3. Maybe try a different app? Is Wizz some sort of bdsm app? Like I’m an everyday guy and I haven’t had any scalding rejections nor do I think persisting with dating after rejection means someone has a degradation kink… I’d check your mindset man.

  4. I honestly don’t have any incentive to date myself. As much as I want to date, it just doesn’t seem to be worth it nowadays. I’ve been trying to accept being single for the time being and not entertaining any feelings of wanting to date and talk to women.

  5. though i’ve met some amazing people on them in the past, i think the apps are mostly broken now.

    but i’m at a place in life where i’m OK with being alone, but would love a long-term partner. i’d rather be alone than deal with the stress, anxiety and misery of a terrible relationship, and i love my peace and solitude. that doesn’t mean i don’t get lonely sometimes, though!

  6. I have no incentive, and for that I have no intention of being in a relationship. Nothing to gain, everything to lose as far as I’m concerned.

  7. real life alternatives are dwindling, depending where you live it can be very hard to find someone naturally, i kind of have to since i dont like going out to drink or party anymore and all i do is work and lift weights, a little rejection is manageable but man it takes a lot of hours to get anywhere for me.

  8. The dating apps sell men that small hope, that 1 trillionth of 1 trillionth of 1 percent of a chance that you *might* meet a non-scammer, non-catfisher who will actually respond & then you have 1 quintillionth of a chance she go on 1 date with you & the possible 1 octillionth of a chance a real relationship will occur. (Yes, I am exaggerating somewhat {but not by much}.)

    Dating apps have exactly one goal. Making money for the developers & owners. They hope that there will be enough success stories that people will keep joining & paying them money for the nearly non-existent hope of meeting someone. Some guys really don’t have a better chance in real life of meeting someone who will go on even one date with them. Pretty much, unless a guy is in roughly the top 5% in looks and/or really well off financially (read well above upper middle class), dating is often a losing proposal. But, many of us don’t completely give up hope. At this point, I likely only have better 25 and 35 more years of dealing with disappointment to survive. Who knows. Maybe sometime within that span I’ll be surprised. Right now I am more focused on making some new platonic friends. I likely have at least a 25% better chance of that happening. Heck, I probably have my 1st platonic friend as of late last night.

    As far as the dating apps go, I gave them their chance. I have cancelled the renewal of pretty much all the ones I subscribed to as the subscription were pretty much a waste of money. Of the people I matched with, 2 were basically scammers as far as I could tell & I can count on 1 hand the number of people I actually got more than 1 message from, with fingers left over. None of the non-scammer ones ever proceeded to even voice or video calls, much less a 1st date.

    Keep in mind that this is *ONE* male ‘s experience & thoughts & nothing more. That and about $4.00 might buy you a good cup of coffee. Mileage may vary. This is not a BOGO offer and all that other nonsense. 🙃

  9. wanting a relationship which has very real and tangible benefits for men.

  10. Despair and hopes that maybe, someday, something might happen.

    I don’t use dating apps myself. It’s useless since my jaw is narrow and I have eyelid exposure.

  11. Please don’t refer to yourself as having “balls of steel” x) that tend to suggest quite the opposite (source: I’m not that young anymore)

  12. While it can make you hate the dating game, it’s a bit like fishing. And it takes a while to work out which bait to use.

  13. Was considering mail order lately. I can get decent women here but mostly just for sex. Higher quality women seem to be lacking. I’m courting one now but since they know their worth, takes a while to get anywhere.

  14. Online dating is hard. I think it sets you up for rejection.

    Sorry about your experience. People can be mean.

    I tried Christian singles, but the only replies I got were from people in other countries wanting to be penpals.

    I’m over fifty now, and don’t sweat it anymore.

    Good luck.

  15. If we don’t face this constant rejection and lack of matches, we will never even have a chance to date 🤷‍♂️

  16. I admit. The ROI on the pursuit of women… is rather poor. And well if you want sex go to Reno or Amsterdam, if you want kids find a surrogate, if you want a companion get a dog. These ways are far more efficient and as the relationship between the sexes deteriorates I believe People will resort to them more and more. But from the outside looking in romance is nothing if not good entertainment.

  17. That is the correct question what incentive exists who knows the solution I found is to “”date”” with a girl who due to a lot of trust issues is not looking for a relationship but someone who should you hang out with when we go out to eat we chat we are intimate and already text conversations are non-existent until one of the two contacts the other to do something and that’s it

  18. Ahah no clue. Getting to watch marriage up close I definitely wonder. And I mean really nothing to do with marriage this started before marriage.

    Watching one party of the equation basically never have to take care of their bills, work, achieve anything in life, no kids to take care of, eventually stops doing almost any house work, watch TV all day, everyday and then complain or order around their partner is pretttttty fucking wild.

  19. I don’t get it either. There’s clearly no way a woman is going to be equally interested in me and I’m just going to end up resenting having to do everything and being forced to act like somebody else just to get a date.

  20. so the love of your life left you and you are wondering how the rest of us do it…


    lmk when u take urself off that pedestal and we can have a convo… until then your post is some sort of weird flex and its very cringe.

  21. Work on dressing better. That alone will win you lots of points. If you haven’t noticed, most men cannot dress worth anything. They all literally look the same.

    Nothing impressive about the way they dress. Women love a man who dresses very good.

    I’m an average guy with acne scars on my neck but I don’t care. I dress good for me, but it seems whatever I’m doing people really love. Everybody turns their head when I walk by.

    Step up your game

    Plus add hobbies and skills to make yourself more interesting. If you remain stagnant and boring and predictable, women will think they have you figured out and will get bored

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