Planning a wedding and would love to hear anyone’s advice on what not to do! Flowers? Seating? Dresses? Please help

  1. Get a venue that is already pretty (like a garden or other attractive outdoor space). It’s worth cash, because it means fewer decorations you have to buy and less time setting up.

  2. The best advice I received and used was to consider hiring a wedding planner. She took so much of the stress and pressure off us. Seriously, money well spent.

  3. Idk if you wanna hear this, but we got married by the town fountain then went out for drinks where we had our first date with only our D&D group in attendance. Our DM officiated, the rest were witnesses, the most expensive part was the marriage certificate. No stress, no drama, no regrets.

  4. My one wedding regret is not getting a photo of just me and each of my close family members and each of my bridesmaids. We only took group shots. Some of them I either got candid pics with or was right next to so I can get a one-on-one photo with cropping, but a lot of them, I only have in group shots. I really regret not having one with just my mom. Everything was just so busy that day, and I didn’t even think of it until months later.

  5. My wedding was gonna be a big one in 2020 then well the world was put on pause….cough.

    We ended up having a destination wedding and I’m so happy we did it that way. We had 8 family members that made it and I wouldn’t change it a thing about it.

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