What ridiculously easy time-saving snacks do you make (e.g., apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon)?

  1. i like to warm a tortilla up and shove some egg spinach and cheese in there, or honestly a frozen thing (frozen fries, frozen chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, hot pockets etc) throw it in the air fryer or microwave

    a snack i made myself the other day is chocolate covered oranges, just melt some chocolate in the microwave and either dip or drizzle it on top of orange slices, leave in the fridge to harden the chocolate and boom it’s so good, fruit with chocolate is also top tier

  2. Trail mix. I’m allergic to all nuts so I have to make my own because most trail mixes are not nut-free. I like putting pretzels, cheez-its/goldfish, marshmallows, pumpkin seeds, m&ms, chex squares and sesame seeds in a bowl or bag and enjoy 🙂

  3. put nachos in a bowl, put shredded cheese on top and microwave it for about 30-50 seconds

  4. I do the laughing cow cheese and crackers or premade calorie packs or my own lunchables with some luncheon meats and cheese

  5. A few of my favourites:
    – Apples with almond butter.
    – Yogurt bowls (silk almond yogurt, granola mix, frozen berries, chia seeds, dark chocolate).
    – Homemade guac (I use an electric chopper to cut the onions, cilantro, jalapeños).
    – Veggies (any I have in the fridge) with plain hummus (I add olive oil, salt, pepper, and canned roasted red peppers on top).
    – Warmed pita bread with tzatziki.
    – bruschetta (if there’s a baguette laying around I’ll lightly toast it, rub garlic on it, cut up some tomatoes – preferably heirloom – and basil, and drizzle some olive oil and balsamic with flaky salt on top)

  6. Bananas with peanut butter and cinnamon. I used to microwave it for a few seconds which is really good too, but it gets really mushy and messy lol.

    I also like to eat avocado slices with some salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I tried wrapping them in wasabi flavored seaweed once and that was really tasty!

  7. I cut up salad tomatoes (the large ones), sprinkle them with salt and pepper and microwave them for a few seconds so they’re warm.

    I also slice up a cucumber in circles, put a dab of peanut butter in the middle of each one and again, microwave for a few seconds so they’re warm. I have quite sensitive teeth so I don’t love biting into cold foods!

  8. Mug cake – couple spoonfuls of cake mix into a mug, add water for a thin(ish) cake batter, and microwave for 1min. Think the whole thing takes maybe 90 seconds. Super simple and cheap way to make multiple cakes without any fresh ingredients.

  9. Warm tortilla in microwave, melt butter on top, cover in cinnamon-sugar. Takes 60 seconds since I have the cinnamon-sugar premixed

    It works good with toasted bread too!

  10. We just bought a dehydrator and it is *such a game changer*. Dried cinnamon sugar apple slices, dried strawberries, jerky, and *DEHYDRATED MARSHMALLOWS*.

  11. Tricuits and sharp cheddar slices. Cucumbers diced up and mixed with sour cream. Boiled egg with a side of fruit. Greek yogurt. Almonds with a mix of dark chocolate chips and dried cherries or a trail mix. Pretzels or cheezits with peanut butter. V8 juice for a drinkable snack.

  12. Granny Smith apple slices w/table salt

    Raspberries on/in either vanilla Greek yogurt….or Belsoy Choc Fudge pudding

    Giant plate of Grape tomatoes with Balsamic glaze

    Sliced cucumbers in white vinegar (cold !!)

    An old school (coffee) cup of soup w/croutons

    Toasted English muffin w/cream cheese and sliced dill pickle (extra zingy)

  13. Little caprese salad – mozzarella balls or cubes/tomatoes/olive oil/salt/balsamic vineguh

    Turkey and swiss roll ups for a protein heavy snack

  14. Celery and peanut butter, slice of bread with butter and/or honey, cheese and crackers, toast, granola bar, or piece of fruit

  15. I’ll sometimes just melt cheese on a tortilla in the microwave and eat it like that. Banana with cinnamon and honey. Wrap a slice of turkey in a cheese slice and roll it up.

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